Thursday, February 11, 2010

What Happened To Heather Brooke?

The Moebius strip ever

L a e s tr e lla m a y or
b r i l l a e n t us o jo s
c on or n ful gor or fading of

My hands light
drunk like a torch of desire
and the path of your back
is the path to utopia

you feel in my neck
breathing my desire
as each morning during many lives
as each storm that dies in rain

Monday, February 8, 2010

Age Of Empires 1 Cd Patch

My experience with Green Belly Cancun.

few years ago, when a server was President of the PAN in Cancun, started in that place a battle ground for a few acres located in what now might be the geographical center of the city. This land remained untouched since the founding of the Caribbean resort. Mario Villanueva Madrid when he was governor of the state, Quintana Roo and Magaly Achach was the Mayor, began a mysterious works on the farm. After a few weeks the people we learned that these were jobs to build the Cathedral of the city.

The possession of the land had not been proved so faithful to the Catholic Church. There was talk of a gift to the religious by Villanueva Madrid, still without qualified land use for any construction.

Accompanied by Secretary General Espanyol Committee honored me to chair the most visited church in the city to ask you not to insist on building the cathedral in an area which, besides being illegally occupied, the residents wanted to keep it in pristine condition or may be I put the municipality as a green area for public enjoyment. The place is a purely residential area, not shopping and construction of the enclosure and destruction of property, as well as the impact on traffic and other ills, would bring down the goodwill of the buildings nearby, so protests neighbors were completely justified.

the priest to hear my request replied that he vacated the premises, that his friend Mario Villanueva, the governor, (obviously at that time was not known to end in political prison), he had given that land and hence did not move and you build the Cathedral liked who he liked and who does it well. I told him I disagreed with that position, which above all the Church should act under the framework of legality and retired. In the days following a religious calling me "son of hell" in comments to local newspapers.

The construction of the Cathedral continued its course despite the protests of neighbors, led by Tulio Arroyo and Jose Humberto Navarro. Ignoring these complaints, the Mayor of the PRI, Magaly Achach stated that he would be happy to make the official ceremony marked the first stone and a Sunday for this event. That day tens of buses arrived with people from the "colony", most of them members of the FUC (United Front of settlers), a group that the Mayor lidereó before entering politics and through which were invaded hundreds of acres close to the city and later became the Colony Lopez Portillo. The invading force of thousands of exconserje led to a high school, joining the PRI and the beginning of his political career.

So work began Cancun's Cathedral, with the complicity between the Church and the municipal government.

Today, years after these events, Mayor Greg Sanchez of the PRD, took the part not occupied by the church to build the new City Hall. A work that is not a priority but that will leave large profits, in addition to destroying the original plan to make City Hall parking lot.

Thousands of sheets of paper have made claims and allegations against the authorities, brought by neighbors to stop the depletion of one of the last green areas located in the city, however, Quintana Roo is a state not known for the application of justice. The public protests and legal appeals have not borne fruit and it has walked corruption, predation and contempt for the feelings public.

As icing on the cake, now Greg Sanchez seeks at all costs be the candidate of the PAN-PRD alliance to the state government. "With its actions, these political parties will dare to run?. We will monitor what happens.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Wedding Programs On Legal Size Paper

Calderón and the Congress in 2010.

Policy Reform Calderon or Decalogue, is a proposal that is disclosed in a year when there are elections for governor in thirteen states. This is a factor to be considered as being an election year it seems that Felipe Calderón is trying to cleave the PAN votes to pass his proposals and throw to the bag a few lawmakers from the PRI and the PRD to propose re-election, with consequent benefits for members of Congress. And while there are people who support the reelection believing it will bring benefits, plus the rejects. This has been shown several surveys conducted by rotating in different states.

In such a way that the Decalogue of Calderón lacks substantial popular support, showing a lack of confidence in Mexican political failure that has worsened in recent months due to bad handling that made the economic crisis in Mexico . Our country was that older had implications for the global crisis was the worst handled it and where did the most damage. This was stated by several Nobel Laureate in Economics, basely tried to dispel by Ernesto Cordero, now brand new Secretary of the Treasury and Mr. Carstens, now Governor of the Bank brand in Mexico.

Thanks to that total submission from both staff and putting aside your lousy job, as the former at the head of SEDESOL only managed to increase poverty in Mexico and the second the only thing that happened in front of the Treasury to raise taxes to the Mexican people, but thanks to this submission and attempt to defend the economic policies of Calderon had their new appointments. This shows that Philip still has the idea of \u200b\u200bsubmissive officers and men not concerned about their country. Felipe

walk a tightrope in the second half of his government, his taste for appointing his friends in front of the Mexican president can not get people to tell when a statement is not correct, that question front and making think, is bidding farewell to the aspirations of all Mexicans to reach decent living standards. So the odds point to the return of the PRI government, which would be bad for the country when we have lived 60 years of private governments that made Mexico a Third World country and that governments regrettably PAN have not had the vision to end this situation.

Well, to begin the session of Congress, see what happens with the Decalogue, we may see again "stands footage, because the truth is that legislators are not spared the public scorn, as they have kept the Mexican Congress in a bad level, both in attitude, as debate and interest in the Mexican absent. Our political class in any way falls short of what the Mexican people need. What a shame.