Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Where Do You Put The Thermometer In A Terrarium

blinds Postal

music to listen to while reading

The brightness of your smile, obscures the dream, of love, shades of life and goblins am spitting mad the little well of dreams.

Where were you, Love, it was sad and rain dampened my wings and spring dead tired, no revolutions engendered.

No peace, no peace!

The moon is a mailbox for complaints that dogs taken by assault idiots to eat in portions.

A magician, a policeman, a banker and an acrobat juggling to make ends meet and the secret is in the bottom of the glass.

gotta love!

No peace, no peace!

Since its turret pointing to the blind man's sanity, there is no chance to live, no peace, only locks, red, and hearts burned, but no. Dreams sprout like blind birds blame for the traffic lights and taxis hooting pregnant. Ruge

morning all the paths lead to (your a) Rome.

My mood is tied to your smile vestal.

A ball of light seduces alienated my mornings while I kiss the picture of your absence in my knees.

I feel, I feel and shine of your smile, obscures the dream, of love, shades of life.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Bleeding Between Periods Tie


lonely drunk as a boat accompanied

I look in the mirror

burning your eyes

worn bare

fears and wake up hungry ferocious

between your lips

* Song: soaking everything, Luis Eduardo Aute
** image: stranded boats, Antonio Abad

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Built In Camera On Oovoo

is autumn ...



filled with tears

and indifference feeds every gesture

is autumn

and lights

of window

loneliness I spit in the face

your glass body

never touched

by light

vibrates thirsty

and my feet never

reach to kiss your shadow

I feel you in every sound

every word

every dark corner of my soul

wandering as a penalty

a blunder

is autumn

in the soul

and no gray sing


the clouds

visited the lowest level of heaven



your wise hands

your eyes of tenderness and passion lit

shake your desire

cast my seed

is autumn

and my mouth

already lost his smile

as a leaf

detached trunk

I would have you

and on good days

sun shining

birds nests

the simple tenderness of your gestures

but so long ago the baby was frayed

and time began

to pierce that love to break ...

I would have you and I can not

is fall in the streets


the sidewalks

but above all

is autumn in my heart

Monday, June 16, 2008

Ritalin Does Not Work For Hypersomnia

Dream ... FROM

Dear friends, in my own country of arable land have decided to have the right to starve the rest and cut routes and refusing to supply the market demand of increasing their income. The majority, almost always the case as viewed from the grandstand while the media lie to protect their interests.
The right and always knows who are the bat, and some left (Maoist and Trotskyist few others) is confusing to landowners and the peasantry.
Meanwhile, some unsuspecting still believe that when it defends the right to multiply without limit the capital, even at the cost of hunger and exclusion of thousands, we support freedom.

eyes looking

warn snatch
claiming justice
a bowl of soup.

looking timid hands on bread

emphasis on the dignity
and stone free to all colleagues
roadblockks not
on behalf of goodwill Men

women working children
insolent when the miracle does not decide expendable capital
growing love live and die waiting
a dawn dream of equality and
who walk every day
our very streets and sidewalks

Forgotten no
marginalized nobodies that any minister putean not
because not even know their names Those
hardly hear about the shortage of milk
or lack of fuel
I do not even know that that dream a few nights

as a science fiction movie

called revolution

Monday, June 2, 2008

Bushnell Trophy With Magnifier

Friends, this was one of the first post of Words ... and therefore I think many of you do not need to have read.
This poem I wrote one morning, sitting in the drizzle of a cold winter, looking at a window and wish to share with you.

Split. Starting

is no more than that.

split segmented


Leave a little one here and take the rest.

Leave a lot of one here and take the rest.


part is more than that.





get free and get rid of.


Split is neither more nor less. Recreate


recreation. Become

back to force mutilation. Become

new accessions to force


Create from dispossession.

Growing from dispossession.

Parting is less and more than that.

Parting is divided



Delivered in fractions and the whole time.


Parting is


is calving.

Split Love

is miraculous Jesus broke


Che Jesus, that there was no hunger,

and I left your side


For that to happen exactly the opposite.

you're hungry for me.

you to be hungry.

increasingly hungry

increasingly large




Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Appeal Letters To Dental Insurance Companies

Life is a circle / circle sweet Bella Dolores between have and wait / passionate cycle / / gray autumn sky is dyed when your eyes look at me in love and goes dark when I give birth / / path / / path / / path / / the world is a concentric spiral your smile / I hands are revealed to not read the book of your body / my eyes blinds without the gallery of your gestures / / I miss you / / I miss your moon and the scent of your neck / the way your face turns slightly as you smile, when I kiss your neck / the smell of your desire / silk from your hands in my body rough / the warmth of your mouth / life is an ocean without fish if you're not! / / I Love You I !//¡¡ !!//¡¡¡ I Love You I Love my blood !!!// patiently waiting the return of spring
Life is a circle
a circle sweet, beautifully painful between have and wait
passionate cycle
gray autumn sky is dyed when your eyes look at me love
and darkens I do not illuminate
the world is a concentric spiral your smile
my hands are revealed to can not read the book of your body
blinding my eyes without the gallery of your gestures
miss you
miss your moon and the scent of your neck
the way your face turns slightly while you smile, when I kiss your neck
the fragrance of your desire
silk your hands on my body rough
the warmth of your mouth
Life is an ocean without fish if you're not!
I Love You!
I Love You!
I Love You!
my blood patiently waiting the return of spring

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Online Emulator Pokemon

The cold night is a blank paper where my hands can not write for a caress.

Your back, so white and so foreign.

My sheet.

The reality is a sad smile peeling.

between saudades imagine the smile on your belly.

Where was the love of a poet?

what corner of the living black spring shoot me?

Morning fertile desired letter progresses, idiots, eager to go anywhere.

A drunk walking down the street.

what paths your heart will lie dead?

I have no pain so sad!

Sparrows, cold, shivering fools trills.

My mind escapes by the tangent of a dream.

even though I try I can not remember the pain in your eyes ...