Sunday, June 29, 2008

Built In Camera On Oovoo

is autumn ...



filled with tears

and indifference feeds every gesture

is autumn

and lights

of window

loneliness I spit in the face

your glass body

never touched

by light

vibrates thirsty

and my feet never

reach to kiss your shadow

I feel you in every sound

every word

every dark corner of my soul

wandering as a penalty

a blunder

is autumn

in the soul

and no gray sing


the clouds

visited the lowest level of heaven



your wise hands

your eyes of tenderness and passion lit

shake your desire

cast my seed

is autumn

and my mouth

already lost his smile

as a leaf

detached trunk

I would have you

and on good days

sun shining

birds nests

the simple tenderness of your gestures

but so long ago the baby was frayed

and time began

to pierce that love to break ...

I would have you and I can not

is fall in the streets


the sidewalks

but above all

is autumn in my heart


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