Saturday, December 5, 2009

Bathtub Mats Without Suction Cups


Initially, in Mexico's political parties had defined ideologies. I speak of the post-independence times (eighteenth century) and post-revolutionary times. At that time political parties had positions very clear about their government projects, including projects on forming the country. In the years following independence, some fought because the country was ruled by a centralized system, others by a federal system, others for a monarchy (imported from Europe, similar to what happened in the U.S.). So ideologies were defined.

hundred years later, at the end of the Porfiriato and in order to end the 30-year rule of Porfirio Díaz, there are new political parties, each struggling against the reelection of President Diaz, others by a socialist regime based on Marxist principles . In these times come the National Revolutionary Party (PNR, PRI now) and the Partido Accion Nacional (PAN). The first with a speech that claimed the revolutionary principles "effective suffrage, no reelection", the second basis in a humanistic-Christian doctrine and Aristotelian as the "common good." They also raise the Mexican Communist Party, the Popular Socialist Party, the Authentic Party of the Mexican Revolution and others.

This atmosphere of political projects well-defined and differentiated is maintained until the 70's. But in the late 80's, members of the PRI who disagreed with the classic "dedazo" to impose a candidate, on the pretext that differed from the neoliberal economic model of Miguel de la Madrid, was removed from the PRI and create a new party, Democratic Revolution Party, or PRD. All this with a view to the 1988 presidential election. The PRD comes with a speech clearly left the same as the simulated PRI to the people and the PAN party identified as a right.

But all this was fading. Currently, the PRI and PAN are identified from right and left-wing PRD, but this location is merely letterhead, advertising, and in recent years, these political parties and other recently emerged as the PT, the PVEM and the honeycomb, have begun to forge alliances among themselves, with the sole purpose of which is to overthrow the power. If for example the ruling PRI, then ally the PAN and the PRD. Or if the PRD rules, then the PAN can take a candidate of the PRI and the PRI nominated and adds de facto.

Thus, ideology or government projects, State, have disappeared in Mexico, and that political parties have left ideologies stored in the attic and have become machines to win elections, no matter who join, the only objective, goal and purpose is to remove the ruling and seize power . As the saying goes, "Get you to get me."

why the party system or "party-", where political parties have a monopoly on the nominations, he has no rationale, because the political projects and ideologies have disappeared to leave place to pragmatism, with the only order to take power and get rich, since corruption is inherent to these machines electioneering, as they go in pursuit of power and public recursus handled at will. Recall that in recent days the PRI and the PRD with the submission of PAN, refused to have a greater control system to manage the resources of state governments. Although Mexico is a country where there is less transparency in public management, the political class continues to refuse to review further the management of resources.

In this context, is that citizen voice calls are permitted Citizen Nominations, ie any citizen to register as a candidate for elected office without being nominated by a political party.


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