reelection, FACTS AND MYTHS.
1 .- The popular representation.
Legally represent is "... to act on behalf of ...". This figure has two elements involved: the mandate and accountability. Thus, anyone who becomes a representative of someone, be in your name, obey your instructions and will have to pay accounts.
Thus, popular representation, ie represent the people, is about being for the people or the people abide by their mandate and be accountable. Once this is understood, we come to the specific situation at hand.
Mexico's President Felipe Calderon spoke last week (Nov 2009) on support for the Re-election of popular representatives. Then let me explain my views about it, hoping to give some light to read this as being a political issue and crucial to the party system that exists in Mexico, has been manipulated and distorted, looking confused and disoriented political class al ciudadano común, con el fin de que este se vea impedido de tomar una postura en base a conocimiento y criterio y así no le estorbe.
La Representación Popular en México es vía democracia directa, es decir, el voto es emitido directamente por el ciudadano eligiendo al candidato de sus preferencias. En otros países este voto es indirecto debido a que el ciudadano elige a un representante que a su vez votará por el funcionario, es el caso de los Colegios Electorales en U.S.A.
Con fundamento en la figura jurídica expuesta arriba de la representación, se entiende que la esencia de la Representación Popular es que el electo sea portavoz del ciudadano ante los cuerpos deliberativos denominados Asambleas or Congress. It is not who will make decisions on behalf of his representative, but who will abide by what his agent has told (mandate) and inform him of what he did and as he did and the outcome (accountability).
Therefore, in countries where popular representation is not legally binding, meaning that the public servant is not required by law to carry out the decisions of the city, the proxy is void as such, is lost. In Mexico in the first third of the twentieth century, members of the three powers have pushed aside the mandate and accountability, because the Mexican legal framework has gaps that allow it. If
this lack-binding corrupt ways we add the political class, then the citizen is defenseless against the decisions of public servants, being trampled and violated their civil rights.
In Mexico, the Federal Constitution guarantees political rights of citizens. One of them is to vote and be voted. Men and women who have reached 18 years of age have the right to vote, be voted depends for that since, as regulatory laws like the Federal Electoral Code impose restrictions on access to elective office, such as minimum age or one of the most aberrant that applicants must be nominated by a political party, which keeps our country under the control of so-called 'party. "
To exercise the right to vote, the individual must have the Federal Credential Reader, which is exhibited at the time of vote in the electoral process.
Porfirio Diaz was the President of Mexico for 30 years, since the late nineteenth century until 1910. After 30 years of governing the country, ran in the 1910 elections but was defeated by Francisco I. Madero, who was persecuted and had to leave the country. And that Diaz would not leave power and since the country was advanced in certain areas but far behind in others, 90% of the population was illiterate, the people revolted. Madero calls from exile to start a revolution against the dictator.
After several years of internal war, Mexico completed its revolution and the government issued the National Revolutionary Party (PRI now) imposed border official slogan of the revolution "effective suffrage, no reelection," leaving this testimony with that in Mexico re-election was unacceptable, since it had led to a 30-year dictatorship.
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