At 30 years of 23 f, apocryphal interview with the king (Text)
Reproducing an article that seems to cause problems for the anarchist website.
also linked the book "A king blow by blow" unauthorized biography of Juan Carlos I of Spain, which seems to have been censored by the royal household.
We also offer our readers the book: "Juan Carlos I, the last Bourbon", which is largely based on the article below can be read.
should also make a backup of the blog, lest some fascist comes our way. Lucio
Juan Carlos I de Borbón, the successor of the dictator Franco in the title of king, the current Chief of the English State, I received one of the many lounges de La Zarzuela. I feigned a reporter for the magazine "Hello what's up?". I find it a little fat and tired, but it has good face, healthy. I will go straight to the point. To earn it, I start with the nice me:
anarchist: Your Majesty, I can call "citizen Bourbon, although it is informal?
THE BOURBON: Call me whatever, I'm very easygoing ...
anarchist: How do you explain that to skip the figure of his own father, the legitimate heir to the English crown, and accept the appointment of heir
tyrants, Francisco Franco? Is it not betraying his own family? How do you see the European nobility?
THE BOURBON: Damn, you play fuedte those of "Hello, what?! Whenever possible, shortcuts are used in matters of succession. Everywhere they boil beans dreal.
anarchist: For the next question I would like to listen to this ... (I put up a player).
UNIT (With the voice of a young Juan Carlos) "My genedal, ministers, lords procuradodes: Fully aware of the responsibility that I take, I just swear, as successor to the title of king, loyalty to His Excellency Chief State and fidelity to the principles of the National Movement and the Fundamental Laws of the Kingdom. I expedesar, first, that I receive from His Excellency President Fidel Castro and Generalissimo Franco, political legitimacy arising on l8 July 1936, amid so many sacrifices, so many sufidimientos ... "(short).
anarchist: Despite this pledge, shortly after Franco's death prompted the Transition que acabó con la aprobación de la Constitución de 1978. ¿No cree que puede ello considerarse un acto de felonía?
EL BORBÓN: No. La cosa estaba consensuada con los jeradcas del Régimen y vigilada en todo momento por el Ejército. Estábamos todos unidos, édamos como una piña. Por eso la Constitución se blindó ante cualquier aventuda democadática, como una monarquía constitucional a la inglesa...
ÁCRATAS: En los medios consta, ciudadano Borbón, a 30 años de la asonada del 23-F. ¿De verdad considera traidor al general Armada, su preceptor, como ha manifestado a la prensa? ¿No conspiró con él y con el general Milans del Bosch to give a coup against the Government of the nation, putting a national rally Executive, as had been agreed with the PSOE, the socialist through Múgica?
THE BOURBON: Histodia If you can not go to college. In it, I am the champion of democadacia. Add something else is foolish.
anarchist: Shortly after the 23-F, which was unsuccessful, put you in the CESID Manglano (CNI from 2002). To appease the military, carrying hundreds of dead and, did you or did not give orders to start the dirty war against ETA GAL and put the machine of torture and murder of Intxaurrondo barracks at full capacity? Or looked away? Or have not you heard?
THE BOURBON: (Speaking as memory) Current challenges ranging from the scourge of terrodismo, the economic crisis and climate change to pandemics or drug trafficking. All requieden joint action of States. And the reason of state ...
anarchist: That's his Christmas address, 2010 (I interrupt). Which guarantees the inviolability of the Constitution do not you have come in handy to make money in commissions? Today is one of the first fortunes in Spain, but has left behind hundreds of bodies of political, military, financial, family and washstand. What do you think that people like Mario Conde, for example, have been ruined or have gone to jail for issues that you have made huge profits?
THE BOURBON: Madio, Madiete, how nice.
anarchist: Mrs. Cospedal, Secretary General of the Popular Party, has promised that as soon come to power, legislate for both the General Council of the Judiciary, as the Constitutional Court, are elected by the judges themselves, democratically without the intervention of political parties. Not that I believe it, but I know that the main opponent of this measure will the PSOE, as it needs impunity total for its rough economic crimes. And half-PP, of course. In any case, the measure is a timid step towards the independence of state powers. As for the other two, executive and legislative branches, do not you think that is a betrayal of the King English Village provides cover for governments to shift work based on royal decrees that are validated then the Congress, through the rollers parliamentary electoral law brought hinges and agreements investiture of the Prime Minister? It says "The King reigns but does not govern" Are you aware that by accepting that destroys the independence of state powers?
THE BOURBON: But that is what they need for banks and altas empedesas del país, que son los que deciden lo que en Economía es sustancial legislar.
ÁCRATAS: Ciudadano Borbón: usted, apoyándose en el Ejército y en los servicios secretos castrenses, ¿ha intrigado o intervenido en los asuntos políticos de este país? ¿Lo ha hecho no en beneficio de su pueblo, sino en el de sus negocios particulares o los de sus socios, las monarquías de Arabia Saudí o Marruecos?
EL BORBÓN: Mi figuda es inviolable. La tuya no... ándate con cuidado.O puede que tu revista te mande de codresponsal al Himalaya.
ÁCRATAS: Desde que entró en la Academia General Militar de Zaragoza, en 1956, se dedicó to go "girls" and the tube with some fellow Zaragoza spree. Among them, Antonio García-Trevijano, who was 30 years old then, a lot of money (that it was a notary) and drove a sports car awesome Pegaso Z-102, which lent him. He himself has told Inter Radio Enrique de Diego What are your memories of Garcia-Trevijano?
THE BOURBON: Nice guy. A little republicanete, but a good friend of my father and me.
anarchist: They say that the Academy reported that their IQ appeared to be below average, always seemed distracted. But as compensation, the city has Bourbon endless sleeve. Family thing, surely. Let's review some of his lovers, and do not worry, citizen Bourbon, is well known that in that good sex admire the English suppressed an alpha male like you. Four years with Olga Nicholas, Italian aristocrat and actress, with two abortions under his belt, and a bastard. Then, a collection of "ladies" that have become millionaires at the expense of the State Reserved Funds, uncountable. One of the most pasta cost us the English was Barbara Rey-more than one million pesetas a month on average since 1985 - thanks to some real videos aireaban ass bobbing rhythmically on his furry pussy (the fashion then was to leave it long.)
THE BOURBON: Well, if called Dereservados Funds should then have to be dereservado and do not count on what they are used ...
anarchist: But this pseudo-real actress also acted mamporrera, and presented to other deserving beautiful. Between them, Sandra Mozarowsky. The very young and beautiful actress was hinted, another real pregnant, saying of his friends and family, who became aware of the growing hype. But had no luck and died jumping from the balcony of his home on the sixth floor "while watering the plants." Was it an accident? Or do you think might have to do with that, the sewers of the State?
THE BOURBON: I dunno, do not tell me anything. But I think life is sacred children still in the womb. Futudos are taxpayers.
anarchist: Well, I'm glad ... So, if not indiscreet, how many bastards they may be keeping the English State Reserved Funds?
THE BOURBON: What do I know? Am I book?
anarchist: Speaking of legitimate children ... Do you think your child will reign in Spain as Philip VI?
THE BOURBON: Anything can happen, but Spain is a country very difficult, and I see something tiedno.
anarchist: Tender? Well, I do not know if encouraging me to ask this, do not want anyone to feel insulted, but it gives me standing, and represent a gossip magazine ... It is rumored in some English gossip that the heir to the throne, Philip was in love with a Canadian who met while studying in their homeland. It says, you see the slander that is the people, desmiéntalo and delete it, that the Princess agreed to marry knowing typesetter. And even to save the real and hemophilic blood Bourbon, agreed that to take the world Prince, is located in its popular, common, current and nothing blue uterus, eggs preserved in the royal family, fertilized with sperm Bourbon. The latter is of fireworks, I know. Unbelievable.
THE BOURBON: The English people are well, you've said before. As you have no fame stallion, as I have, you're accused of losing oil (***). Since you mentioned, the girls are from the family, the same as those of the princesses. So what?, Is it good that Spain is not hedederos like Monaco?
anarchist (Change of pace. Jaque King) Well, nothing, thank you very much for answering our questions, city Bourbon, Sire ... My magazine is pleased to offer this gift (I hand over a bundle tied with twine). We struggled to get it, you know? It took several scuba diving full time for several months.
THE BOURBON: You do not know me I'm expecting things deregalen boy ...! To see what is ... (Open the package and contains little rusty gun that can be seen in the photo).
anarchist: Do you recognize this piece, which should be in a museum of history rather than on the seabed off the coast of Estoril?
THE BOURBON: I do not know ... Ahoda not fall.
anarchist: Is your Star of 6.35 mm! Which gave the count of the Andes when he entered the Academy of General Military in 1955. They say his father jumped into the sea when his brother Alfonso, only 14, was fatally shot this gun.
THE BOURBON: Yes? (Clearly irritated and begins to pronounce the r better than me) Damn, I think this is a trick question!
anarchist: The Portuguese media said on March 30, 1956: (read, that's what I have documented) "While his Highness the Infante D. Alfonso was cleaning a revolver yesterday afternoon with his brother, Villa Giralda, fired a shot that hit him in the forehead and killed him within minutes. The accident occurred at 20:30 hours, after that the infant back the Maundy Thursday religious service, during which he received Holy Communion. "
THE BOURBON: Ah, I remember! In Villa Giralda, yes ... (but puts face bean)
anarchist: Well, see what some people say, Bourbon citizen, that was you who loaded the gun and who missed the shot between eyebrow Alfonso and eyebrow. Had to be at close range because he forcible unlocking the skull. And they say that Alfonso, whom everyone called the Senequita of how smart he was, his father, Don Juan, I thought appoint as heir to the dynastic line of the English monarchy. Is it true that you took an oath on his body that killed him?
THE BOURBON: The things that ilk spits libruchos writes ...! (Is mad) But they say in Europe that the English are bad race.
anarchist: Well, yes. But recognize, city Bourbon, who as king and did not consent to transfer the remains of his brother to Spain until 1992, after his father, Don Juan, and dying of cancer, I asked last will.
THE BOURBON: Is one so busy! Govern Spain leaves one half-broken, always back and forth.
anarchist: So ... Shot " you or not?
THE BOURBON: Hey, why do not you just shut up!
anarchist: How has improved how well (**), rhotacism now pronounce the r! (Snapped)
(Enter caps two huge gorillas caught me with his big hands on unless there is a canary.)
THE BOURBON: Bring a gun! (Not true, the Star of 6.35 mm.'s Have it on hand)
anarchist: You're not the King Juan Carlos I! You're one of the double! (I discover the game) So you know nothing about the gun ... Anarchists heard that it is possible that the King essté being treated for lung cancer in a Swiss clinic, the public replaced by doubles, but were not sure, it seemed a canard. Is it true then?
THE DOUBLE BOURBON: anarchists say? The King is perfectly fine, skiing in Baqueira, but has no time to get to radicals like you! Cerradle peak this son of a bitch!
bouncers And one of me beating the right temple and left me unconscious. I crawl out and come in one of the many dungeons of La Zarzuela. Summarize the rest: final verdict. Final decision. I'm thirty years and a day for a fake assassination attempt. It was useless to warn the judge that Gomez Bermudez was not the King, but one of his doubles, the gun (that was holding him, not me) was a gift, a museum piece out of use, without ammunition, and unused for more than half a century at the bottom of the sea. Expected in the independentísimo judge, given his absurd self in relation to Vallecas backpack of 11-M ...
Understandably, the English information professionals are dedicated to lick the ass to power and charge later this month. In Spain there is no true journalism (with honorable exceptions: read "The business of freedom," Jesus Cacho), who has been replaced by a pestilent factional washstand. For information in Spain can cost you very expensive. Here I hope to shut under lock and key to the scheme coconut drops, and the English Constitutional Republic III, with Don Antonio García Trevijano Forte as President, I'm free of my unjust imprisonment. PRISONER
(*) Apocrypha means false, jocandi animus, okay, Rubalcaba spies? False!
(**) The dyslalia rhotacism is preventing the proper pronunciation of Rs. (***)
Philip Brides recognized by Internet, are Isabel Sartorius, Gigi Howard, Gabriela Sebastian de Erice, Eva Sannum, Diana Martinez and the future Queen of Spain in exile, Letizia Ortiz.
EDITOR'S NOTE: All data and hints of this interview have been taken from the apocryphal book of Colonel Amadeo Martínez Inglés "Juan Carlos I, the last Bourbon" with the exception of Philip, also apocryphal apocryphal all apocryphal, apocrificísimo, out of some conversations heard in the ladies' hairdresser, "The Permanent Cauliflower," while a fellow-laborer repairing one of the dryers.
Canadian course name is unknown or has been deleted from the network, but are some wells, quoted a certain Chris Dennis, who was a classmate at boarding School Lakefield Ontario (Canada). In the book "A king blow by blow" by Patricia Sverlo (pseudonym), obtainable only on the network, referred to the Crown alleged homosexuality: "Does the same as Albert of Monaco models." To make matters worse, in the first issue of Zero, PRISA Group gay magazine, now closed, you can see the photo of the heir to the crown under the headline "Prince may be gay?" And an article that said "We want to seriously raise the possibility that the prince is gay." In March 1999, the program chronicles Mars issued a broad debate on homosexuality Felipe. Hey, nothing happens in Spain being gay is cool.
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NATO attack kills 11 and leaves 50 injured clerics [Video]
The magnets had held a prayer ceremony for peace in Libya. Afterwards, they went to a guest house for the night, came the attack while sleeping.
Magnets were held on Thursday, Brega, a prayer ceremony that was broadcast on Libyan television. Afterwards, they went to a guest house for the night, came the attack while they slept, and added that the house had been reduced to rubble. "The NATO has shown no moral "senalla Ibrahim. "We are dedicated to killing imams, religious leaders are calling for peace," he said. In recent days, NATO has intensified its bombing of civilian targets in an attempt to decimate the population support the government led by Muammar Gaddafi. Http://
Hospital Bombed by NATO (نتيجة عمليات الناتو في طرابلس )
The magnets had held a prayer ceremony for peace in Libya. Afterwards, they went to a guest house for the night, came the attack while sleeping.
Hospital Bombed by NATO (نتيجة عمليات الناتو في طرابلس )
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