Libya (1 of May) (text) Advanced
-NATO bombed Qaddafi's home and his shop killing innocent children and youth.
"The Libyan people are angry (more) and forces to go home to the delegations of the UN and NATO.
Like I have the sickening news on TV: Do not say the bombing has been a criminal act, product only murderers and psychopaths. But explain the expulsion of the psychopaths of the UN and NATO and "have had to withdraw after the vandalism. "
The people will judge as" hooliganism "and psychopaths are not tried, the murders are recounted in a" sterile ", without getting involved or judge, or branding. curious attitude.
Then we
some non-routine information on TV, that is, no vomiting.
Last night the invaders of Libya Muammar raided the house of the Ghadafi in the area of \u200b\u200bGarger in Tripoli where they were the family of Ghadafi and many friends. bombed the exact room where they were directly.
NATO countries have been killed with premeditation awareness and Ghadafi's son Saif Alab 28, who had finished studying economics in college. The Libyan leader made it out unscathed from the attack. also have been killed three of his grandchildren (children innocent).
Can you imagine the grief at the death of three children killed with premeditation by joining NATO countries?. Think of your children and if someone can simply say that "it was not his intention" to this cynicism.
The fleecy Europeans look the other way while the Libyans are killed by the bombs that their taxes pay.
NATO, ie the constituent countries, have been killed with premeditation and full awareness to the three grandchildren of Moammar Ghadafi and some relatives. Premeditated murder were intended to Libyan leader Moammar Ghadafi to give the coup in the country of Libya and take over the oil.
The wife of Libyan leader Moammar Ghadafi and the same to have been spared the bombing.
All Libya yesterday took to the streets with flags and green fabrics against invaders from beyond to bomb and destroy their country and their freedom.
Where are the laws that condemn the murderers?.
Libyans tell me that they are so angry they are move against the militias of NATO in Misrata and Benghazi to the extent that the head of the militia that calls itself the leader of the "transitional government" by NATO after the alleged coup, has fled to Tubruk.
We are governed in Europe and USA for these people who murder with premeditation. This is really very serious.
This Sunday continuing overflights by NATO aircraft in an environment where civilians protesting the deaths of innocent people and damage to nearby structures.
The Bab Al Aziziya area is an area of \u200b\u200bembassies and diplomatic residences where there are schools and houses of civilians. Citizens
wonder how it is possible that NATO bomber supposedly a residential area when they intervene to protect civilians.
imperialist organization said that they will continue operations.
Currently lots of people are in the streets screaming and demonstrating against the killings of NATO.
Discussions are lots of funerals of those killed in the bombing of all Libyans to which NATO has killed their families ..
One of the largest tribes in eastern Al Agüaguir has said publicly to Moammar Ghadafi Mabruk and invading countries: "You see What you will receive after you have killed our people. "and appointed the presidents of the invading countries responsible for the murders of the Libyan population.
What is happening in Libya has NOTHING to do with defending the civilians, but the opposite. Create confusion, kill, destroy, terrify all with the purpose of giving a coup weakening the population is alive and killing his government.
are invading and destroying all the countries negotiating with Russia, such as Somalia, Iraq, Afghanistan, and Libya too.
The consternation, pain and outrage that are producing the aircraft of NATO is much higher than the Twin Towers terrorism.
The act of preparing a coup and invasion of a country in this way as aggressive and evil can only be made by sick minds. We awaken to a state of mental alertness and know what we have before us.
course is not to be at your level and play the same game because we could not even if we wanted, but we must become aware of what we are allowing and see the manipulation in the media.
are true murderers if limits over with all the cynicism of the world will dare to lift a finger against others. -paint-the-un-at-all-esto.html
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