Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Rash On Bottom Of Shaft

The strange case of the broker was reading the ears

Vale. I'm putting nerd. And by myself I get the picture of the commander.

I'm going to make a confession. For a while I read by the ears. I know you are not forms but have not found another way to balance two of my hobbies are running and reading.

wore a time following the program that made the texts in mp3. Many of them designed to help blind people.

For some time this part of the programs have improved greatly.
is true that never have perfect pitch, but the use of voice acting has gotten the result is at least interesting.

I know good and best carried sticks but reading the side of the house with the chimney running. No time for more and so I returned to average a book a week.

The program I'm using is called DSpeech. You can convert mp3 both docs and pdfs.
is important to choose a good voice. For this you have to look: Loquendo voices. Are already being used in many videos on Youtube. I recommend a voice that is called George.

If anyone is interested and need more information ask.
And is that a long time since I had one of these rare thing.

For one example:


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