BBC: AL QAEDA DOES NOT EXIST (10 minutes) (Subtitulado Spanish)
Osama Bin Laden probably been dead for several years. The doctored photo, saying it removed the DNA and threw the body into the water, the contradictions and different versions of how he was killed (first said they opposed armed resistance, then who was unarmed, who murdered his wife because she got after her that if her son was killed ... or two messengers, a witness says he was killed in cold blood once taken ...) seems like a joke.
Yet we believe it!
Why have released the news right now, I do not know, but I think we will know very soon. The first will invent a super villain to justify more wars, or new threats to invest in new and sophisticated weapons.
media (single spokesmen of governments) are taking threats of attacks on subway, train, etc. while the invented Al Qaeda is vowing revenge for the death of his alleged leader: Brilliant tactic to create fear among the majority of the population. Thus, through fear, they can be approved without opposition new laws that remove freedom to citizens, control over, and remove power. Who oppose such laws will be labeled as unpatriotic, or irresponsible these psychopathic liars who govern us.
hypotheses trying to explain why the U.S. government has chosen this moment to simulate the death of Bin Laden, ranging from the idea of \u200b\u200bsimply looking good publicity for President Obama to make the United States and a future government popular support. The slaughter in Libya also seems that if we have forgotten a little. Other theories riskier
talk of a nuclear auto-attack in the USA or any of their accomplices countries (Europe. ..), or the invention of a possible meteorite hitting the earth . Any script is good, and the sheep can we believe any thing through the media: A dash of science fiction film narrated by major news agencies makes "truth."
Remember that Bin Laden was accused of tearing down the twin towers. Here we can see how far the influence of the media: There simply are not (or will) evidence against him, then take out a dubious video of someone saying you have done something, does not prove or imply that you have done. Lucio
Photomontage of Photo of the hypothetical body of Osama Bin Laden:
Osama Bin Laden has been dead for several years:
Bennazar Bhutto, the first woman to hold the office of Prime Minister of a Muslim country and went to Pakistan on two occasions between the years 1988-90 and 1993-96, said that Osama Bin Laden was killed by a Pakistani agent several years ago.
revelation occurs in about 6.12 minutes
Origins the name of "Al-Qaeda" and their true Arab connotations prove that every time the Bush administration, Fox News or any individual who cites the threat "from Al-Qaeda" as a mandate for war and domestic authoritarianism really are propagating the myth that such a group ever existed.
According to the BBC documentary The Power of Nightmares, the infamous images of bin Laden walking with armed soldiers was a ruse by the same Osama gracefully played by the lapdog press, actors were hired street, were given uniforms and guns to have an aggressive look. The only video
where Bin Laden mentions the name of Al Qaeda was after the attacks of September 11 and after the U.S. government started the parrot.
Is there such a group, hence its name?
You have heard before that "Al-Qaeda" roughly translates as "the base", but colloquially were aware that "Ana Raicha Al-Qaeda" in Arabic means "go to the bathroom?
The former leader of the House of Commons, Robin Cook, who admirably resigned in protest over the invasion of Iraq in 2003, wrote an article in The Guardian of London, shortly before his death, which sheds light on the true origin of this name.
"Al-Qaida," said Cook, "literally" the database ", was originally the computer file of the thousands of mujahideen who were recruited and trained with the help of the CIA to defeat the Russians."
The former French military intelligence officer Pierre Henry Bunel expands, saying "Al-Qaeda" was a form of intranet, which was used by Islamic nations and influential families to communicate with each other. It was also used by the agent "American", Osama bin Laden to send coded messages back to their CIA handlers from Afghanistan.
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