A city force
Because desire is a question whose
nobody knows response
Luis Cernuda
belong nobody knows response
Luis Cernuda
a race of women are destroyed
midnight voices torn
profiles suggest
are they the ones with the sad reputation
of abandoning the fall
those who know them
appointed need not be exhausted
with many roots
calling from your body still intact
tell me
fire cracks
keeping me
back near my name
interrupted many times by strangers without mission
with traces of water on the hands and those crazy
that empire behind me
those who were busted
image in
shore corridor that leads to start
broken in the beginning
no one who follows me to the only door
pierced the skin
anyway needed
grow without encountering
ask the heavens
another land
express my views
otherwise go for the low
always collecting water outside
hurt your cattle
invaded me full of
homeless or patio to wait
there is a time of hope and high streets
a man
a dream an angel to write
always in the wood of desire
in the farthest corners of what I can not say
one woman shadow intended
that as I repeated their faces
cracks in a street with no name
to lie to make us good
the tree just hang
fear and desire as no one asks
when we left holding the eyes
started the return
allow strangers to guess what stops us
call him escape
but I insist that hurts
what scares
wound is not closed on the table
or the womb of a virgin
talk about rocking and dropping the desire to throw a
complete with
body language with a country going through gender
invalid nicknames
without admitting improper matters
clings to these walls sustained in the flesh to force city
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