Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Watch Operation Repo For Free

Sinde Debate on the Law of David Bravo President FAPAE (Audio 24 min.)

speaker making the battle for the culture and freedom of the internet.
Keep writing the pages of history
lawyer David Bravo

Lucio David Bravo:
"I leave you with the debate because I think he played all the key points of the issue. Additionally, Perez, president of the Federation of Audiovisual Producers (FAPAE) begins to defend the law Sinde, eventually ending honestly admitting that he would have done differently and is not responsible for possible approval. "

Play audio (24 mins):

audio download (11 MB):
http://audios.esradio.fm/11/01/25/debate-sobre-la-ley-sinde-en-casa-de-herrero-22598 . mp3


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