Wednesday, February 23, 2011

How Is Folliculitis Contracted

Closed due to lack of rider training

The head of the blog has nothing to tell because the corridor is still sick.
reserve the right to seek a more healthy.
who was no longer running. Only coughs and falls.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Gonorrhea For Several Months


The word homeopathy comes from Greek and means "similar suffering." It consists of progressively diluting a substance repeatedly shaking the solution (this is called potentiation).

No, I can rest easy knowing you are going. I remain as skeptical as ever. Galician I do not believe in anything that has less than six feet. And this is not the I see.

But the need for my health, forced to practice homeopathy but no "homeopathic training." This dilution
training to a minimum, until there is not a molecule of the original substance. Yes, shaking the solution and maintaining the principle of "similar suffering."

So yesterday my dog \u200b\u200band I stood on the starting point of all my workouts at the same time as always, we traveled about twelve meters (1 / 1000), I shook myself then bent over coughing in about thirty times each breath and, after lifting his head, saw that man's best friend still is and if he had done what he had to do. I fold one last time but with a plastic bag and say end the suffering similar homeopathic training.

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Egypt 2009 (two thousand nine): 478 political strikes, unauthorized. 126,000 workers dismissed (Text)

Mubarak the dictator's fall as a result of popular mobilization is a reason of joy for anyone with sensitivity democratic. But this sensitivity should democratic awareness that version of events that has appeared in the media world's most international (from Al Jazeera to The New York Times and CNN) is incomplete or biased, as it responds to the interests that fund.
Thus, the overall image promoted by those means is that this event is due to mobilization of young, mostly students and middle class professionals, who have very successfully used new techniques of communication ( Facebook and Twitter, among others ) to organize and lead such a process, which began, incidentally, by the popular indignation against the death in custody as a result of torture, one of these young people.
This explanation is highly incomplete.

Actually, the supposed revolution began three weeks ago and was not initiated by students and young professionals. The recent past of Egypt is characterized by brutally suppressed workers' struggles that have increased in recent years.
According to Egypt's Center of Economic and Labor Studies, in 2009 alone there were 478 strikes clearly political, not authorized, which caused the dismissal of 126,000 workers, 58 of whom committed suicide. As happened in Spain during the dictatorship, democratic workers' resistance infiltrated the official trade unions (whose leaders were appointed by the ruling party, which surprisingly had been accepted within the Socialist International), playing a key role in those protests .
Thousands and thousands of workers stopped work, including the powerful arms industry, owned by the Army. It also added the Suez Canal workers (6,000 workers) and, finally, employees of public administration, including physicians and nurses (who marched with their white uniforms) and state attorneys (who marched with their black robes) . One of the sectors that had the most impact on the mobilization was that of communications and postal workers, and public transport.

industrial centers of Asyut and Sohag, pharmaceutical facilities, power and gas, also stopped working. Companies in Sharm El-Sheikh, El-Mahalla Al Kubra, and Damanhour Dumyat centers, textiles, furniture and wood and food also stopped production. The high point of labor mobilization was when the clandestine leadership of the labor movement called a general strike.

The international media focused on what happened in Tahrir Square in Cairo, not knowing that this concentration was the pinnacle of an iceberg spread throughout the country and focused on workplace-key for the continuation of economic activity-and in the streets of major cities of Egypt.

The Army, which was and is the Army's Mubarak, did not have them all along. In fact, besides the cessation of the economy, they feared an internal rebellion, as most soldiers come from very poor families whose residents were working-class neighborhoods on the street. Army's middle managers also sympathized with the popular mobilization, and the dome of the Army (next to Mubarak) felt the need to leave him to save themselves. Moreover, Obama Administration, which had initially been against Mubarak's resignation, changed and pushed for this to go away. The federal government has subsidized with an amount of 1,300 million dollars a year the army of that country and this could not ignore what Secretary of Defense, Robert Gates, was demanding.
Hence, the CIA director and announced that Mubarak step down, but was delayed a few hours, Mubarak resigned.

Needless to say, the young professionals who made use of new communication technologies ( only 22% of the population has Internet access ) played an important role, but it is wrong to present these demonstrations as a result of technological determinism that considers the use of technology as the determining factor.

In fact, the demise of dictatorships in a relatively short time period short, as a result of popular movements, there has been constant. Iran (with the fall of the Shah), the Berlin Wall, the collapse of dictatorships in Eastern Europe, among others, have fallen one after another, popular mobilization in the absence internet. The same happened in Tunisia, where, incidentally, the resistance of the working class also played a key role in the fall of the dictator, whose party was also surprisingly admitted to the Socialist International.

The future, however, begins now. Army is unlikely to allow a democratic transition. Will establish a multiparty system, very limited and supervised by the Army, for which the number one enemy is not Islamic fundamentalism (although it presents, in order to secure support from the U.S. Federal Government and the European Union), but the working class and the left, which alone would eliminate its privileges. Do not forget that the ruling classes of Iran, Iraq and Afghanistan supporting the radical Muslim (with the support of the U.S. federal government and Saudi Arabia) as a way to stop the left. One of the first measures taken by the military junta has been to prohibit strikes and union meetings

However, this labor mobilization apenas apareció en los mayores medios de información.

Vicenç Navarro es Catedrático de Políticas Públicas de la Universitat Pompeu Fabra y profesor de Public Policy en The Johns Hopkins University

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Black White Damask Clipart

the Implementation Issues of Law and the reaction Sinde (Text)

  • ¿Es importante el ánimo de lucro de las webs? ¿Hay webs que no pueden ser llevadas ante la SS?

Las webs que no tengan ánimo de lucro en su actividad, que no realicen una actividad económica, no pueden ser consideradas prestadores de servicios the information society to the effects of L ey 34/2002 on Information Society (LSSI), therefore fall outside the scope of the Act Sinde, which reaches only providers.

"The second section may adopt the means to interrupt a s ervice of the information society that violates intellectual property rights or to remove content that violate these rights if the provider , directly or indirectly, acting profit or has caused or is likely to cause property damage. "
If a blog or website is advertising a service provider and therefore may be required, acting as profit " O " (and the combination here is essential) potential to cause material injury.

Therefore all websites to receive any funding resulting from their activity is subject to this amendment.

So the only sites to be left out are the blogs and websites free of charge and without advertising.
  • How will it affect the web of links?
reference links to the websites of , as has been stated repeatedly, we can distinguish between two types of sites.

1 - Those sites that have been prosecuted at some point and have been acquitted by the courts and those that are in the midst of legal proceedings:

The first will be absolutely protected except that the responsible officers of Section II want to commit a crime of corruption, since the judges have already determined that their conduct does not violate the intellectual property, one aspect that can be analyzed by the SS.

The latter shall enjoy the prejudicialidad against the administrative procedure, so neither will be brought to the SS.

2 - Those webs of links that have not undergone any judicial process .

In principle these are the affected, according to public statements by politicians, by the application of the rule. Effectively run the risk that the SS to initiate a case against them and order the closure or removal of content.

be seen whether the judge is limited to considering only those aspects that the standard allows (the allocation of fundamental rights of Article 20 EC) to approve the measure and also addresses the merits of the question which is a real possibility, but it depends on the judge.

These sites, if any, may be at the administrative closing and having to resort to the High Court for a review of the administrative act. After that process, probably, the court decides that the act is void and order the lifting of the measures taken.
  • Does it matter that the web server is in Spain or abroad?
The scope of the LSSI provides that the same shall apply:

1 - those who are established in Spain. (Article 2 LSSICE )

2 - to those established in a state of the European Union and European Economic Area where they concern intellectual property (Article 3 LSSICE )

3 - and those in third countries where its services are directed specifically to the English market and also notwithstanding that can interrupt the service to the intermediary service providers (ISPs such as Telefonica) ( Articles 4 and 11.2 LSSICE )

Therefore, wherever you the server, if the SS decides to remove content or discontinue a service, you can .

In my opinion it is better to be in Spain and their in the procedure to challenge it and obtain a favorable resolution be outside services. If the provider does not appear at the procedure that will also see limited their possibilities for defense.
  • Can be brought before the Constitutional Court the law?
Yes, but the procedure is quite limited.

There are two mechanisms in the Constitution that a law be declared unconstitutional, on one hand the question of unconstitutionality and second, the constitutional complaint.

Appeal of unconstitutionality ( Article 162.1 of the Constitution ):
"To bring the constitutional challenge, the Prime Minister, the Ombudsman, fifty Deputies, fifty Senators, the Executive body of the Autonomous Communities and, where appropriate, the Assemblies of the same. "
incontitucionalidad Question ( Article 163 of the Constitution ):
When a court considers, in a process that a rule with the force of law applicable to the case, whose validity depends on the fault, may be contrary to the Constitution, raise the matter before the Constitutional Court in the cases, as with the effects established by law, in no case be suspensive.
Therefore only such persons and in such cases may arise. Are not valid Initiatives taken by private citizens or organizations.

Although in this case the most viable is that in the first procedure that comes raises the question of unconstitutionality before the judge to resolve.


REACTION It is needed now is to develop subsequent political action, ie to crystallize in the physical territory using the Internet we can think together.

The proposed project is to develop citizens' initiatives by self-organization of independent territorial cells, replicable, non-profit, non-exclusive territorial whose work is to propagate the ideas of the text of regional and concrete actions.

planned system will have a mainland organization and content:

* As a continent we will use all means free, as free as possible that offers the Web: Google Groups and Flickr, for example. Personally I do not use Facebook because of legal terms, but if the coordination of a cell, for example, in Potes, Cantabria, want to do, there is no problem (each group organized itself.)
* Regarding content, there are two basic issues: Providing a cell who argue that we prepare thoroughly studied Sinde Act and prepare an advocacy action plan in the territory. Be objective, among others, panel discussions and campaigns of the three political parties PP, PSOE and CiU have passed the Law Sinde.

Within the continent and through information flows that are generated between each and every one of the cells will all go learning. As is natural in the networking world, no one will represent none but themselves. The existence of the Internet makes it unnecessary to traditional representation, and a citizen and can represent yourself without using an outside voice.

measurement of project success is not measured in the election result, but in learning we get from public use of the networks. In short, this is going sharpening and an essential tool to alleviate the very serious democratic deficit that characterizes the English society. In the words of Eben Moglen: "We win."

[More coming soon.]

Monday, February 14, 2011

Master Lock Lost Combination Recovery

If you are sick do not run

This experiment should be done either in a controlled environment or with a subject of experimentation, is the case, a little donkey.

My point: I've been annoyed a few weeks with the mix of Arizona and pollution. A cocktail that is affecting me as ever. Saturday was spent with sinusitis, headache and, worse, unable to sleep.

And on Sunday I had to accompany the two on the average Rafas Fuencarral. You go, Medija. You already missed the Getafe and it's going to run slowly.

So I went. The first few miles were great: At 4'45''and with the beats down well below normal. Albeit with a tissue for runny nor is plan. But as I progress, I am realizing that something is wrong. I'm sweating more than normal. Interestingly slopes give me a break. The margin of pulses can not give me the song. But in the rush down the Rafas. And I can not. My legs begin to squeeze tight and I start to get cold. Decide the pace down a bit but I'm going to get worse. Upon returning to the slopes of the last three miles the picture is typical of a marathon. I start to have cramps in the quadriceps and abdominals. The Rafas encourage me and I continue but only at much lower pace. I get to the finish in 1h 47 ', ice cream and beginning to tremble, with abdominal cramps, come on, a picture. I'm "running" the car because I notice I'm starting to get sick. Since

bed, coughing and fever in equal parts.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Left Handed Epiphone Casino

Jack does not let

I skip to Q2. I jump
Q2. I jump
I ...

And I do not jumped as evidence of commitment for certain is that before I took out at least three better things to do.

The Q2 was 2.5 km 15 minute warm-threshold pace (now 4'35'') 3 minute jog, 15 minutes at threshold pace (4'35''followed), jogging, and 7-minute threshold (it I ran track and went to 4'33'').
common feeling: hungry, sleepy, cold, heat, fatigue, pain, pleasure. The order is important that the brain is silly moo and only remembers the last.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Preventing Windows Check License 0x80004005

Stick to the plan

I was well, and after two days of good feeling and decided not to lull me to stick to the plan of JD in all its glory.

24 miles in we had to do the following:
The way
4 series at threshold pace retrieving a minute and a half and I went to 4'23'', 4'19'', 4'38''(uphill) and 4'27''. Good feelings and the threshold of 4'30''very controlled.

After a time of 5'27''easy pace on a circuit down to the hard way around.

And when little energy left after 18 kilometers back to running 3 miles at threshold pace followed me out to 4'40''is not bad. Another three to recover and come home with 24 kilometers in two hours and six minutes. Good feeling but with the quadriceps remembering that we were entering terra incognita.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Manchester Acess Programme Personal Statement

Aspirin 500 mg: "To death, two buttons (text)

- What is the drug that has killed more people?
-Aspirin, because it is the drug that most people have taken and their risk perception is distorted. At low doses (one hundred milligrams per day) is an excellent cardiovascular protector, but analgesic doses (a gram) can cause gastrointestinal bleeding.

- Is there data?
-In Catalunya there are about 3,000 annual cases of gastrointestinal bleeding, of which 40% are attributable to aspirin and other anti-inflammatory. U.S. die each year from gastrointestinal bleeding and inflammatory 15,000 people die of AIDS while 12,000. Fragment

interview Joan-Ramon Laporte, Chief
pharmacology of Vall d'Hebron
chaired the committee Essential Medicines World Health Organization - WHO (2003-2004)

The current system does not alert us of the dangers we are exposed, they do not exist so that we can not avoid them and they act accordingly. You can not allow ourselves to continue disrespecting in any case and to continue questioning the diseases caused by the enormous environmental pollution to which we subject. Pilar

Remiro (Sick Syndrome Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS))

Source: /

Full interview with Joan-Ramon Laporte:

- Do you test drugs already on the market?
"Yes, because when a drug hits the market, has been tested by a few thousand volunteers, but the worldwide market is taken by millions of people, and then they can unwanted effects occur, sometimes with fatal outcome.

- What is the drug that has killed more people?
-Aspirin, because it is the drug that most people have taken and their risk perception is distorted. At low doses (one hundred milligrams per day) is an excellent cardiovascular protector, but analgesic doses (a gram) can cause gastrointestinal bleeding.

- Is there data?
-In Catalunya there are about 3,000 annual cases of gastrointestinal bleeding, of which 40% are attributable to aspirin and other anti-inflammatory. U.S. die each year from gastrointestinal bleeding and inflammatory 15,000 people die of AIDS while 12,000.

"Any disease can be caused by a drug: myocardial infarction, a antiinflamatorioymuchos other drugs, pneumonia, any neurological or psychiatric disorders may be helped by drugs.

"I see what side effects is serious. "Many
cause depression, as some that treat high blood pressure or diuretics in elderly. Drugs for insomnia can cause aggressive crisis, many cases of irritability due to rising drugs of this type, as benzodiazepines or other short-acting hypnotics.

- Are we hipermedicados?
"Yes, we got to the point that when a person is sad is colloquially is depression. Antidepressants are used only for a deep depression and sadness is not a disease, is a healthy reaction.

- Is there no medicine without side effects?
"No, c ada drug has its toll. The European Medicines Agency estimates that each year 197,000 people die in Europe because of adverse effects. In U.S. adverse effects are cuartacausa death, behind heart attack infarction, stroke and cancer, and over diabetes, lung disease and traffic accidents.

- Is it a lottery?
"No, if you take prescription medication or be more attentive to the risks involved, it is estimated that it could prevent between 65% and 75% of these deaths.

-drug advertisements on television should be banned.
-I feel the same. In Spain you can only announce that funds Social Security, if not ruined. We are the European country that, in relation to GDP, consume more drugs. Let's talk about

-are arbitrary. Manufacture the drug, one hundred to five hundred euros, it costs more than two euros, including packaging. Supposedly, we pay the research effort. But between 30% and 40% of the average expenditure of the laboratories is intended to trade promotion.

"The price is negotiated by the Government.
"Yes, but with little success. In Spain, the price of the drug is reaching Germany, we double the per capita income.

"What a great business.
"According to the report of UN development, is the third largest economic sector behind arms and drug trafficking industry.

"They say every year they invent new diseases.
"Yes, especially in relation to the mind and sex. Convert shyness and medicalized disease. Now they have invented female sexual dysfunction: female sexual dysfunction ... You suffer, do not laugh ...

-... If in the last six months have rejected an offer of sex or have not had a full welcome. " Each time you meet one of the committees of hypertension (American, European or WHO) lower the blood pressure level considered normal, and so does cholesterol.

In a few years has decreased to an extent the normal limit of cholesterol that more and more people to be treated. U.S. has increased from 3 million people to 25 in 10 years.

-The pharmaceutical industry spends twice (in Spain three times) of its trade promotion budget for research. Trade Representative's visit is to generate some 35 new prescriptions of the drug. The amazing thing is that there is no health in a sort of central drug procurement people trained.

- Who is responsible for personal continuing education health?
laboratories, so it is very difficult to ensure that there is no influence of commercial interests.

Joan-Ramon Laporte, head of the department of pharmacology at Vall d'Hebron.
chaired the committee Essential Medicines World Health Organization - WHO (2003-2004)

Source: 01/Las-medicinas-curan-o-causan-cualquier-enfermedad2.pdf

List Prospectus

ASPIRIN 500 mg tablets:


Side Effects:

disorders in the upper or lower gastrointestinal tract, such as signs and symptoms of dyspepsia, abdominal pain and gastrointestinal , gastrointestinal inflammation, gastrointestinal ulcer, potential cause, but rarely produced, ulcer bleeding and perforation, with the respective signs and symptoms and laboratory. Because of its inhibitory effects on platelets, aspirin may be associated with an increased risk of bleeding. It observed perioperative bleeding such as bleeding, bruising, hepistaxis, genitourinary bleeding, bleeding gums. Reported an occurrence as rare or very rare, there have been serious bleeding such as bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract, cerebral hemorrhage (especially in patients with uncontrolled hypertension and / or in conjunction with agents antihemostáticos) which in particular cases can potentially be a life-threatening. The bleeding can lead to an acute post hemorrhagic anemia / iron deficiency anemia (due eg.: A micro concealed hemorrhage) with the signs and symptoms such as fatigue, pallor and hypoperfusion. Reactions hypersensitivity, with their respective clinical and laboratory manifestations, including: asthmatic syndrome, mild to moderate potential reactions affecting the skin, respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system, including symptoms such as rash, urticaria, edema, pruritus, cardio respiratory distress and, rarely, severe reactions including anaphylactic shock. Very rarely been reported transient liver failure with elevated liver transaminases. There have been dizziness and tinnitus, which can be indicators of an overdose.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Ohio Driver's Licence Hologram


This week has been the Groundhog Day and has begun the year of the rabbit.
Runners give thanks for it. Otherwise would have been an unmitigated disaster.
Using these anniversaries have become a run. Before
had gone to eat but had to be necessarily in that order.

few days I've been pretty bad. I made a thorough cleaning and living bacteria have driven me from my early childhood. There have been times where it seemed a crew of the ship Nostromo.

The feeling was good. Now (of course) I mean running today. Some heartburn, legs a bit weird but very restful and comfortable pace of about 5 'effortless for ten miles.
I hope to reinstate a strong athletic routine to my and other strong routines.
As a gesture of goodwill I pointed to almost everything: Fuencarral, Villalba and La Latina for now but will fall more.
Happy New Year!