Thursday, February 17, 2011

Gonorrhea For Several Months


The word homeopathy comes from Greek and means "similar suffering." It consists of progressively diluting a substance repeatedly shaking the solution (this is called potentiation).

No, I can rest easy knowing you are going. I remain as skeptical as ever. Galician I do not believe in anything that has less than six feet. And this is not the I see.

But the need for my health, forced to practice homeopathy but no "homeopathic training." This dilution
training to a minimum, until there is not a molecule of the original substance. Yes, shaking the solution and maintaining the principle of "similar suffering."

So yesterday my dog \u200b\u200band I stood on the starting point of all my workouts at the same time as always, we traveled about twelve meters (1 / 1000), I shook myself then bent over coughing in about thirty times each breath and, after lifting his head, saw that man's best friend still is and if he had done what he had to do. I fold one last time but with a plastic bag and say end the suffering similar homeopathic training.


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