Saturday, February 5, 2011

Manchester Acess Programme Personal Statement

Aspirin 500 mg: "To death, two buttons (text)

- What is the drug that has killed more people?
-Aspirin, because it is the drug that most people have taken and their risk perception is distorted. At low doses (one hundred milligrams per day) is an excellent cardiovascular protector, but analgesic doses (a gram) can cause gastrointestinal bleeding.

- Is there data?
-In Catalunya there are about 3,000 annual cases of gastrointestinal bleeding, of which 40% are attributable to aspirin and other anti-inflammatory. U.S. die each year from gastrointestinal bleeding and inflammatory 15,000 people die of AIDS while 12,000. Fragment

interview Joan-Ramon Laporte, Chief
pharmacology of Vall d'Hebron
chaired the committee Essential Medicines World Health Organization - WHO (2003-2004)

The current system does not alert us of the dangers we are exposed, they do not exist so that we can not avoid them and they act accordingly. You can not allow ourselves to continue disrespecting in any case and to continue questioning the diseases caused by the enormous environmental pollution to which we subject. Pilar

Remiro (Sick Syndrome Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS))

Source: /

Full interview with Joan-Ramon Laporte:

- Do you test drugs already on the market?
"Yes, because when a drug hits the market, has been tested by a few thousand volunteers, but the worldwide market is taken by millions of people, and then they can unwanted effects occur, sometimes with fatal outcome.

- What is the drug that has killed more people?
-Aspirin, because it is the drug that most people have taken and their risk perception is distorted. At low doses (one hundred milligrams per day) is an excellent cardiovascular protector, but analgesic doses (a gram) can cause gastrointestinal bleeding.

- Is there data?
-In Catalunya there are about 3,000 annual cases of gastrointestinal bleeding, of which 40% are attributable to aspirin and other anti-inflammatory. U.S. die each year from gastrointestinal bleeding and inflammatory 15,000 people die of AIDS while 12,000.

"Any disease can be caused by a drug: myocardial infarction, a antiinflamatorioymuchos other drugs, pneumonia, any neurological or psychiatric disorders may be helped by drugs.

"I see what side effects is serious. "Many
cause depression, as some that treat high blood pressure or diuretics in elderly. Drugs for insomnia can cause aggressive crisis, many cases of irritability due to rising drugs of this type, as benzodiazepines or other short-acting hypnotics.

- Are we hipermedicados?
"Yes, we got to the point that when a person is sad is colloquially is depression. Antidepressants are used only for a deep depression and sadness is not a disease, is a healthy reaction.

- Is there no medicine without side effects?
"No, c ada drug has its toll. The European Medicines Agency estimates that each year 197,000 people die in Europe because of adverse effects. In U.S. adverse effects are cuartacausa death, behind heart attack infarction, stroke and cancer, and over diabetes, lung disease and traffic accidents.

- Is it a lottery?
"No, if you take prescription medication or be more attentive to the risks involved, it is estimated that it could prevent between 65% and 75% of these deaths.

-drug advertisements on television should be banned.
-I feel the same. In Spain you can only announce that funds Social Security, if not ruined. We are the European country that, in relation to GDP, consume more drugs. Let's talk about

-are arbitrary. Manufacture the drug, one hundred to five hundred euros, it costs more than two euros, including packaging. Supposedly, we pay the research effort. But between 30% and 40% of the average expenditure of the laboratories is intended to trade promotion.

"The price is negotiated by the Government.
"Yes, but with little success. In Spain, the price of the drug is reaching Germany, we double the per capita income.

"What a great business.
"According to the report of UN development, is the third largest economic sector behind arms and drug trafficking industry.

"They say every year they invent new diseases.
"Yes, especially in relation to the mind and sex. Convert shyness and medicalized disease. Now they have invented female sexual dysfunction: female sexual dysfunction ... You suffer, do not laugh ...

-... If in the last six months have rejected an offer of sex or have not had a full welcome. " Each time you meet one of the committees of hypertension (American, European or WHO) lower the blood pressure level considered normal, and so does cholesterol.

In a few years has decreased to an extent the normal limit of cholesterol that more and more people to be treated. U.S. has increased from 3 million people to 25 in 10 years.

-The pharmaceutical industry spends twice (in Spain three times) of its trade promotion budget for research. Trade Representative's visit is to generate some 35 new prescriptions of the drug. The amazing thing is that there is no health in a sort of central drug procurement people trained.

- Who is responsible for personal continuing education health?
laboratories, so it is very difficult to ensure that there is no influence of commercial interests.

Joan-Ramon Laporte, head of the department of pharmacology at Vall d'Hebron.
chaired the committee Essential Medicines World Health Organization - WHO (2003-2004)

Source: 01/Las-medicinas-curan-o-causan-cualquier-enfermedad2.pdf

List Prospectus

ASPIRIN 500 mg tablets:


Side Effects:

disorders in the upper or lower gastrointestinal tract, such as signs and symptoms of dyspepsia, abdominal pain and gastrointestinal , gastrointestinal inflammation, gastrointestinal ulcer, potential cause, but rarely produced, ulcer bleeding and perforation, with the respective signs and symptoms and laboratory. Because of its inhibitory effects on platelets, aspirin may be associated with an increased risk of bleeding. It observed perioperative bleeding such as bleeding, bruising, hepistaxis, genitourinary bleeding, bleeding gums. Reported an occurrence as rare or very rare, there have been serious bleeding such as bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract, cerebral hemorrhage (especially in patients with uncontrolled hypertension and / or in conjunction with agents antihemostáticos) which in particular cases can potentially be a life-threatening. The bleeding can lead to an acute post hemorrhagic anemia / iron deficiency anemia (due eg.: A micro concealed hemorrhage) with the signs and symptoms such as fatigue, pallor and hypoperfusion. Reactions hypersensitivity, with their respective clinical and laboratory manifestations, including: asthmatic syndrome, mild to moderate potential reactions affecting the skin, respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system, including symptoms such as rash, urticaria, edema, pruritus, cardio respiratory distress and, rarely, severe reactions including anaphylactic shock. Very rarely been reported transient liver failure with elevated liver transaminases. There have been dizziness and tinnitus, which can be indicators of an overdose.


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