Sunday, May 15, 2011

Jane Mansfield With Dark Hair

At 30 years of 23 f, apocryphal interview with the king (Text)

Reproducing an article that seems to cause problems for the anarchist website.

also linked the book "A king blow by blow" unauthorized biography of Juan Carlos I of Spain, which seems to have been censored by the royal household.


We also offer our readers the book: "Juan Carlos I, the last Bourbon", which is largely based on the article below can be read.

should also make a backup of the blog, lest some fascist comes our way. Lucio

Juan Carlos I de Borbón, the successor of the dictator Franco in the title of king, the current Chief of the English State, I received one of the many lounges de La Zarzuela. I feigned a reporter for the magazine "Hello what's up?". I find it a little fat and tired, but it has good face, healthy. I will go straight to the point. To earn it, I start with the nice me:

anarchist: Your Majesty, I can call "citizen Bourbon, although it is informal?

THE BOURBON: Call me whatever, I'm very easygoing ...

anarchist: How do you explain that to skip the figure of his own father, the legitimate heir to the English crown, and accept the appointment of heir
tyrants, Francisco Franco? Is it not betraying his own family? How do you see the European nobility?

THE BOURBON: Damn, you play fuedte those of "Hello, what?! Whenever possible, shortcuts are used in matters of succession. Everywhere they boil beans dreal.

anarchist: For the next question I would like to listen to this ... (I put up a player).

UNIT (With the voice of a young Juan Carlos) "My genedal, ministers, lords procuradodes: Fully aware of the responsibility that I take, I just swear, as successor to the title of king, loyalty to His Excellency Chief State and fidelity to the principles of the National Movement and the Fundamental Laws of the Kingdom. I expedesar, first, that I receive from His Excellency President Fidel Castro and Generalissimo Franco, political legitimacy arising on l8 July 1936, amid so many sacrifices, so many sufidimientos ... "(short).

anarchist: Despite this pledge, shortly after Franco's death prompted the Transition que acabó con la aprobación de la Constitución de 1978. ¿No cree que puede ello considerarse un acto de felonía?

EL BORBÓN: No. La cosa estaba consensuada con los jeradcas del Régimen y vigilada en todo momento por el Ejército. Estábamos todos unidos, édamos como una piña. Por eso la Constitución se blindó ante cualquier aventuda democadática, como una monarquía constitucional a la inglesa...

ÁCRATAS: En los medios consta, ciudadano Borbón, a 30 años de la asonada del 23-F. ¿De verdad considera traidor al general Armada, su preceptor, como ha manifestado a la prensa? ¿No conspiró con él y con el general Milans del Bosch to give a coup against the Government of the nation, putting a national rally Executive, as had been agreed with the PSOE, the socialist through Múgica?

THE BOURBON: Histodia If you can not go to college. In it, I am the champion of democadacia. Add something else is foolish.

anarchist: Shortly after the 23-F, which was unsuccessful, put you in the CESID Manglano (CNI from 2002). To appease the military, carrying hundreds of dead and, did you or did not give orders to start the dirty war against ETA GAL and put the machine of torture and murder of Intxaurrondo barracks at full capacity? Or looked away? Or have not you heard?

THE BOURBON: (Speaking as memory) Current challenges ranging from the scourge of terrodismo, the economic crisis and climate change to pandemics or drug trafficking. All requieden joint action of States. And the reason of state ...

anarchist: That's his Christmas address, 2010 (I interrupt). Which guarantees the inviolability of the Constitution do not you have come in handy to make money in commissions? Today is one of the first fortunes in Spain, but has left behind hundreds of bodies of political, military, financial, family and washstand. What do you think that people like Mario Conde, for example, have been ruined or have gone to jail for issues that you have made huge profits?

THE BOURBON: Madio, Madiete, how nice.

anarchist: Mrs. Cospedal, Secretary General of the Popular Party, has promised that as soon come to power, legislate for both the General Council of the Judiciary, as the Constitutional Court, are elected by the judges themselves, democratically without the intervention of political parties. Not that I believe it, but I know that the main opponent of this measure will the PSOE, as it needs impunity total for its rough economic crimes. And half-PP, of course. In any case, the measure is a timid step towards the independence of state powers. As for the other two, executive and legislative branches, do not you think that is a betrayal of the King English Village provides cover for governments to shift work based on royal decrees that are validated then the Congress, through the rollers parliamentary electoral law brought hinges and agreements investiture of the Prime Minister? It says "The King reigns but does not govern" Are you aware that by accepting that destroys the independence of state powers?

THE BOURBON: But that is what they need for banks and altas empedesas del país, que son los que deciden lo que en Economía es sustancial legislar.

ÁCRATAS: Ciudadano Borbón: usted, apoyándose en el Ejército y en los servicios secretos castrenses, ¿ha intrigado o intervenido en los asuntos políticos de este país? ¿Lo ha hecho no en beneficio de su pueblo, sino en el de sus negocios particulares o los de sus socios, las monarquías de Arabia Saudí o Marruecos?

EL BORBÓN: Mi figuda es inviolable. La tuya no... ándate con cuidado.O puede que tu revista te mande de codresponsal al Himalaya.

ÁCRATAS: Desde que entró en la Academia General Militar de Zaragoza, en 1956, se dedicó to go "girls" and the tube with some fellow Zaragoza spree. Among them, Antonio García-Trevijano, who was 30 years old then, a lot of money (that it was a notary) and drove a sports car awesome Pegaso Z-102, which lent him. He himself has told Inter Radio Enrique de Diego What are your memories of Garcia-Trevijano?

THE BOURBON: Nice guy. A little republicanete, but a good friend of my father and me.

anarchist: They say that the Academy reported that their IQ appeared to be below average, always seemed distracted. But as compensation, the city has Bourbon endless sleeve. Family thing, surely. Let's review some of his lovers, and do not worry, citizen Bourbon, is well known that in that good sex admire the English suppressed an alpha male like you. Four years with Olga Nicholas, Italian aristocrat and actress, with two abortions under his belt, and a bastard. Then, a collection of "ladies" that have become millionaires at the expense of the State Reserved Funds, uncountable. One of the most pasta cost us the English was Barbara Rey-more than one million pesetas a month on average since 1985 - thanks to some real videos aireaban ass bobbing rhythmically on his furry pussy (the fashion then was to leave it long.)

THE BOURBON: Well, if called Dereservados Funds should then have to be dereservado and do not count on what they are used ...

anarchist: But this pseudo-real actress also acted mamporrera, and presented to other deserving beautiful. Between them, Sandra Mozarowsky. The very young and beautiful actress was hinted, another real pregnant, saying of his friends and family, who became aware of the growing hype. But had no luck and died jumping from the balcony of his home on the sixth floor "while watering the plants." Was it an accident? Or do you think might have to do with that, the sewers of the State?

THE BOURBON: I dunno, do not tell me anything. But I think life is sacred children still in the womb. Futudos are taxpayers.

anarchist: Well, I'm glad ... So, if not indiscreet, how many bastards they may be keeping the English State Reserved Funds?

THE BOURBON: What do I know? Am I book?

anarchist: Speaking of legitimate children ... Do you think your child will reign in Spain as Philip VI?

THE BOURBON: Anything can happen, but Spain is a country very difficult, and I see something tiedno.

anarchist: Tender? Well, I do not know if encouraging me to ask this, do not want anyone to feel insulted, but it gives me standing, and represent a gossip magazine ... It is rumored in some English gossip that the heir to the throne, Philip was in love with a Canadian who met while studying in their homeland. It says, you see the slander that is the people, desmiéntalo and delete it, that the Princess agreed to marry knowing typesetter. And even to save the real and hemophilic blood Bourbon, agreed that to take the world Prince, is located in its popular, common, current and nothing blue uterus, eggs preserved in the royal family, fertilized with sperm Bourbon. The latter is of fireworks, I know. Unbelievable.

THE BOURBON: The English people are well, you've said before. As you have no fame stallion, as I have, you're accused of losing oil (***). Since you mentioned, the girls are from the family, the same as those of the princesses. So what?, Is it good that Spain is not hedederos like Monaco?

anarchist (Change of pace. Jaque King) Well, nothing, thank you very much for answering our questions, city Bourbon, Sire ... My magazine is pleased to offer this gift (I hand over a bundle tied with twine). We struggled to get it, you know? It took several scuba diving full time for several months.

THE BOURBON: You do not know me I'm expecting things deregalen boy ...! To see what is ... (Open the package and contains little rusty gun that can be seen in the photo).

anarchist: Do you recognize this piece, which should be in a museum of history rather than on the seabed off the coast of Estoril?

THE BOURBON: I do not know ... Ahoda not fall.

anarchist: Is your Star of 6.35 mm! Which gave the count of the Andes when he entered the Academy of General Military in 1955. They say his father jumped into the sea when his brother Alfonso, only 14, was fatally shot this gun.

THE BOURBON: Yes? (Clearly irritated and begins to pronounce the r better than me) Damn, I think this is a trick question!

anarchist: The Portuguese media said on March 30, 1956: (read, that's what I have documented) "While his Highness the Infante D. Alfonso was cleaning a revolver yesterday afternoon with his brother, Villa Giralda, fired a shot that hit him in the forehead and killed him within minutes. The accident occurred at 20:30 hours, after that the infant back the Maundy Thursday religious service, during which he received Holy Communion. "

THE BOURBON: Ah, I remember! In Villa Giralda, yes ... (but puts face bean)

anarchist: Well, see what some people say, Bourbon citizen, that was you who loaded the gun and who missed the shot between eyebrow Alfonso and eyebrow. Had to be at close range because he forcible unlocking the skull. And they say that Alfonso, whom everyone called the Senequita of how smart he was, his father, Don Juan, I thought appoint as heir to the dynastic line of the English monarchy. Is it true that you took an oath on his body that killed him?

THE BOURBON: The things that ilk spits libruchos writes ...! (Is mad) But they say in Europe that the English are bad race.

anarchist: Well, yes. But recognize, city Bourbon, who as king and did not consent to transfer the remains of his brother to Spain until 1992, after his father, Don Juan, and dying of cancer, I asked last will.

THE BOURBON: Is one so busy! Govern Spain leaves one half-broken, always back and forth.

anarchist: So ... Shot " you or not?

THE BOURBON: Hey, why do not you just shut up!

anarchist: How has improved how well (**), rhotacism now pronounce the r! (Snapped)


(Enter caps two huge gorillas caught me with his big hands on unless there is a canary.)

THE BOURBON: Bring a gun! (Not true, the Star of 6.35 mm.'s Have it on hand)

anarchist: You're not the King Juan Carlos I! You're one of the double! (I discover the game) So you know nothing about the gun ... Anarchists heard that it is possible that the King essté being treated for lung cancer in a Swiss clinic, the public replaced by doubles, but were not sure, it seemed a canard. Is it true then?

THE DOUBLE BOURBON: anarchists say? The King is perfectly fine, skiing in Baqueira, but has no time to get to radicals like you! Cerradle peak this son of a bitch!

bouncers And one of me beating the right temple and left me unconscious. I crawl out and come in one of the many dungeons of La Zarzuela. Summarize the rest: final verdict. Final decision. I'm thirty years and a day for a fake assassination attempt. It was useless to warn the judge that Gomez Bermudez was not the King, but one of his doubles, the gun (that was holding him, not me) was a gift, a museum piece out of use, without ammunition, and unused for more than half a century at the bottom of the sea. Expected in the independentísimo judge, given his absurd self in relation to Vallecas backpack of 11-M ...

Understandably, the English information professionals are dedicated to lick the ass to power and charge later this month. In Spain there is no true journalism (with honorable exceptions: read "The business of freedom," Jesus Cacho), who has been replaced by a pestilent factional washstand. For information in Spain can cost you very expensive. Here I hope to shut under lock and key to the scheme coconut drops, and the English Constitutional Republic III, with Don Antonio García Trevijano Forte as President, I'm free of my unjust imprisonment. PRISONER


(*) Apocrypha means false, jocandi animus, okay, Rubalcaba spies? False!

(**) The dyslalia rhotacism is preventing the proper pronunciation of Rs. (***)

Philip Brides recognized by Internet, are Isabel Sartorius, Gigi Howard, Gabriela Sebastian de Erice, Eva Sannum, Diana Martinez and the future Queen of Spain in exile, Letizia Ortiz.

EDITOR'S NOTE: All data and hints of this interview have been taken from the apocryphal book of Colonel Amadeo Martínez Inglés "Juan Carlos I, the last Bourbon" with the exception of Philip, also apocryphal apocryphal all apocryphal, apocrificísimo, out of some conversations heard in the ladies' hairdresser, "The Permanent Cauliflower," while a fellow-laborer repairing one of the dryers.

Canadian course name is unknown or has been deleted from the network, but are some wells, quoted a certain Chris Dennis, who was a classmate at boarding School Lakefield Ontario (Canada). In the book "A king blow by blow" by Patricia Sverlo (pseudonym), obtainable only on the network, referred to the Crown alleged homosexuality: "Does the same as Albert of Monaco models." To make matters worse, in the first issue of Zero, PRISA Group gay magazine, now closed, you can see the photo of the heir to the crown under the headline "Prince may be gay?" And an article that said "We want to seriously raise the possibility that the prince is gay." In March 1999, the program chronicles Mars issued a broad debate on homosexuality Felipe. Hey, nothing happens in Spain being gay is cool.

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NATO attack kills 11 and leaves 50 injured clerics [Video]

The magnets had held a prayer ceremony for peace in Libya. Afterwards, they went to a guest house for the night, came the attack while sleeping.
Magnets were held on Thursday, Brega, a prayer ceremony that was broadcast on Libyan television. Afterwards, they went to a guest house for the night, came the attack while they slept, and added that the house had been reduced to rubble. "The NATO has shown no moral "senalla Ibrahim. "We are dedicated to killing imams, religious leaders are calling for peace," he said. In recent days, NATO has intensified its bombing of civilian targets in an attempt to decimate the population support the government led by Muammar Gaddafi. Http://

Hospital Bombed by NATO (نتيجة عمليات الناتو في طرابلس )

Friday, May 13, 2011

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Make Your Own Grit Blasters


For most Mexicans have gone unnoticed a recent case in Miami, Florida, of particular importance and relevance to the progress of democratic systems. Therefore, represents an example for Mexico, where the political class conceals constantly citizens their rights to choose at any time to form government.

In 2010 the mayor of the city, Carlos Alvarez, increased property taxes, which property worth $ 150 000 had to pay up to $ 5,000 this tax year. A clearly awkward when the U.S. economy was mired in the mortgage crisis and housing market I was totally depressed. The imposition of gender disagreement between the people but reached levels of rejection when it also emerged that several government officials in the city had increased their wages.

Seeing this, a businessman and activist decided to take action and join efforts were devoted to the task of collecting signatures to oust the mayor, ie revoke the mandate of the popular will had given him through the ballot. Thus, the firms asked to organize a public consultation (referendum) for people to state whether he wanted Alvarez followeth the front of the city government or not. This last March was such consultation gave others an overwhelming result against the mayor, for over 80% voted for revocation of the mandate.

Once the results were, Alvarez had to leave the place and the moment a provisional government, and in May will be new elections which will elect the next mayor to take the place left by Alvarez.

Undoubtedly, this political process undertaken in the Caribbean Miami is an example to any country or city that claims to live in a democratic system. Popular sovereignty or will inherently have the right and prerogative to choose and decide at any time its form of government and those who adhere. The mechanisms and legal processes and politicians should be the way for the popular will can manifest at any time, and the destinies community, it constitutes a real democracy, not imitations like we have in Mexico.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

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has been much comment on the march for peace to which the poet called Sicily, following the death of his son. It has been said of its diversity, the policy proposal that was made, etc. Sicily brings pain to the surface for their loss and this has been a catalyst for his personal claim that once had a call for thousands of people. The dynamic created by the writer in no way be wasted or allowed to cool, Sicily is now obliged to follow the movement and do not let it fall into the same as the previous marches, as the organizers of these or have "sold" to the government or were only "flower of a day."

In Mexico the only bodies able to summon the political parties, so when a citizen generates such assistance is required to continue using the spontaneous popular representation, since in Mexico we have no truly impartial and honest leaders.

One of the main arguments given Sicily in the Zocalo of Mexico City on Sunday 8 May, was that Mexicans can not trust any political party and the political system is rotten in its entirety. This is a reality that many Mexicans close their eyes, thinking naively and innocently going to vote to fulfill their civic duties and only with this the government will change and begin to see the citizens and it is not. Mexicans should stop being lazy civic, must be more participatory politics and of course do more, much more than just going to vote, because otherwise the party-still commanding the destiny of the country with the terrible results we've had the last hundred years.

So from here a request to Sicily to reflect on what is and is not left only the progress of the past weekend. Mr Sicily, with the announcement that you did, is bound to follow in the social-political activism.

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The strange case of the broker was reading the ears

Vale. I'm putting nerd. And by myself I get the picture of the commander.

I'm going to make a confession. For a while I read by the ears. I know you are not forms but have not found another way to balance two of my hobbies are running and reading.

wore a time following the program that made the texts in mp3. Many of them designed to help blind people.

For some time this part of the programs have improved greatly.
is true that never have perfect pitch, but the use of voice acting has gotten the result is at least interesting.

I know good and best carried sticks but reading the side of the house with the chimney running. No time for more and so I returned to average a book a week.

The program I'm using is called DSpeech. You can convert mp3 both docs and pdfs.
is important to choose a good voice. For this you have to look: Loquendo voices. Are already being used in many videos on Youtube. I recommend a voice that is called George.

If anyone is interested and need more information ask.
And is that a long time since I had one of these rare thing.

For one example:

Sunday, May 8, 2011

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cracks appear when they are least expected. Already
MAPOMA a week before a contracture began to bother in the back. Not prevent me from running and I did not pay much attention. Far from improving reminds me each morning that needs my attention.
Thursday masseuse.

But it no longer expected, the treacherous old enemy has come suddenly. Achilles tendinitis occurs without justification and no input.
moment to verify that the templates have been flat. Meeting at the stencilers in two weeks.

And while some run. And when I hurt something I enjoy and there is no reason to force. But I have wanted.

Friday, May 6, 2011

How To Wear A Panty Girdle

BBC: AL QAEDA DOES NOT EXIST (10 minutes) (Subtitulado Spanish)

Osama Bin Laden probably been dead for several years. The doctored photo, saying it removed the DNA and threw the body into the water, the contradictions and different versions of how he was killed (first said they opposed armed resistance, then who was unarmed, who murdered his wife because she got after her that if her son was killed ... or two messengers, a witness says he was killed in cold blood once taken ...) seems like a joke.
Yet we believe it!

Why have released the news right now, I do not know, but I think we will know very soon. The first will invent a super villain to justify more wars, or new threats to invest in new and sophisticated weapons.

media (single spokesmen of governments) are taking threats of attacks on subway, train, etc. while the invented Al Qaeda is vowing revenge for the death of his alleged leader: Brilliant tactic to create fear among the majority of the population. Thus, through fear, they can be approved without opposition new laws that remove freedom to citizens, control over, and remove power. Who oppose such laws will be labeled as unpatriotic, or irresponsible these psychopathic liars who govern us.

hypotheses trying to explain why the U.S. government has chosen this moment to simulate the death of Bin Laden, ranging from the idea of \u200b\u200bsimply looking good publicity for President Obama to make the United States and a future government popular support. The slaughter in Libya also seems that if we have forgotten a little. Other theories riskier
talk of a nuclear auto-attack in the USA or any of their accomplices countries (Europe. ..), or the invention of a possible meteorite hitting the earth . Any script is good, and the sheep can we believe any thing through the media: A dash of science fiction film narrated by major news agencies makes "truth."

Remember that Bin Laden was accused of tearing down the twin towers. Here we can see how far the influence of the media: There simply are not (or will) evidence against him, then take out a dubious video of someone saying you have done something, does not prove or imply that you have done. Lucio

Photomontage of Photo of the hypothetical body of Osama Bin Laden:

Osama Bin Laden has been dead for several years:
Bennazar Bhutto, the first woman to hold the office of Prime Minister of a Muslim country and went to Pakistan on two occasions between the years 1988-90 and 1993-96, said that Osama Bin Laden was killed by a Pakistani agent several years ago.
revelation occurs in about 6.12 minutes

Origins the name of "Al-Qaeda" and their true Arab connotations prove that every time the Bush administration, Fox News or any individual who cites the threat "from Al-Qaeda" as a mandate for war and domestic authoritarianism really are propagating the myth that such a group ever existed.

According to the BBC documentary The Power of Nightmares, the infamous images of bin Laden walking with armed soldiers was a ruse by the same Osama gracefully played by the lapdog press, actors were hired street, were given uniforms and guns to have an aggressive look. The only video

where Bin Laden mentions the name of Al Qaeda was after the attacks of September 11 and after the U.S. government started the parrot.

Is there such a group, hence its name?

You have heard before that "Al-Qaeda" roughly translates as "the base", but colloquially were aware that "Ana Raicha Al-Qaeda" in Arabic means "go to the bathroom?

The former leader of the House of Commons, Robin Cook, who admirably resigned in protest over the invasion of Iraq in 2003, wrote an article in The Guardian of London, shortly before his death, which sheds light on the true origin of this name.

"Al-Qaida," said Cook, "literally" the database ", was originally the computer file of the thousands of mujahideen who were recruited and trained with the help of the CIA to defeat the Russians."

The former French military intelligence officer Pierre Henry Bunel expands, saying "Al-Qaeda" was a form of intranet, which was used by Islamic nations and influential families to communicate with each other. It was also used by the agent "American", Osama bin Laden to send coded messages back to their CIA handlers from Afghanistan.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Driving Permit Template

Libya (1 of May) (text) Advanced

-NATO bombed Qaddafi's home and his shop killing innocent children and youth.
"The Libyan people are angry (more) and forces to go home to the delegations of the UN and NATO.

Like I have the sickening news on TV: Do not say the bombing has been a criminal act, product only murderers and psychopaths. But explain the expulsion of the psychopaths of the UN and NATO and "have had to withdraw after the vandalism. "
The people will judge as" hooliganism "and psychopaths are not tried, the murders are recounted in a" sterile ", without getting involved or judge, or branding. curious attitude.
Then we

some non-routine information on TV, that is, no vomiting.


Last night the invaders of Libya Muammar raided the house of the Ghadafi in the area of \u200b\u200bGarger in Tripoli where they were the family of Ghadafi and many friends. bombed the exact room where they were directly.

NATO countries have been killed with premeditation awareness and Ghadafi's son Saif Alab 28, who had finished studying economics in college. The Libyan leader made it out unscathed from the attack. also have been killed three of his grandchildren (children innocent).

Can you imagine the grief at the death of three children killed with premeditation by joining NATO countries?. Think of your children and if someone can simply say that "it was not his intention" to this cynicism.

The fleecy Europeans look the other way while the Libyans are killed by the bombs that their taxes pay.

NATO, ie the constituent countries, have been killed with premeditation and full awareness to the three grandchildren of Moammar Ghadafi and some relatives. Premeditated murder were intended to Libyan leader Moammar Ghadafi to give the coup in the country of Libya and take over the oil.

The wife of Libyan leader Moammar Ghadafi and the same to have been spared the bombing.

All Libya yesterday took to the streets with flags and green fabrics against invaders from beyond to bomb and destroy their country and their freedom.

Where are the laws that condemn the murderers?.

Libyans tell me that they are so angry they are move against the militias of NATO in Misrata and Benghazi to the extent that the head of the militia that calls itself the leader of the "transitional government" by NATO after the alleged coup, has fled to Tubruk.

We are governed in Europe and USA for these people who murder with premeditation. This is really very serious.

This Sunday continuing overflights by NATO aircraft in an environment where civilians protesting the deaths of innocent people and damage to nearby structures.

The Bab Al Aziziya area is an area of \u200b\u200bembassies and diplomatic residences where there are schools and houses of civilians. Citizens
wonder how it is possible that NATO bomber supposedly a residential area when they intervene to protect civilians.

imperialist organization said that they will continue operations.

Currently lots of people are in the streets screaming and demonstrating against the killings of NATO.

Discussions are lots of funerals of those killed in the bombing of all Libyans to which NATO has killed their families ..

One of the largest tribes in eastern Al Agüaguir has said publicly to Moammar Ghadafi Mabruk and invading countries: "You see What you will receive after you have killed our people. "and appointed the presidents of the invading countries responsible for the murders of the Libyan population.

What is happening in Libya has NOTHING to do with defending the civilians, but the opposite. Create confusion, kill, destroy, terrify all with the purpose of giving a coup weakening the population is alive and killing his government.

are invading and destroying all the countries negotiating with Russia, such as Somalia, Iraq, Afghanistan, and Libya too.

The consternation, pain and outrage that are producing the aircraft of NATO is much higher than the Twin Towers terrorism.
The act of preparing a coup and invasion of a country in this way as aggressive and evil can only be made by sick minds. We awaken to a state of mental alertness and know what we have before us.

course is not to be at your level and play the same game because we could not even if we wanted, but we must become aware of what we are allowing and see the manipulation in the media.

are true murderers if limits over with all the cynicism of the world will dare to lift a finger against others. -paint-the-un-at-all-esto.html

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Arkham Asylum Change English


Among the duties of running the blogger is back after a marathon and also tell the tale.
not without some delay I tell you that I'm back to running.

Everything is in place. In fact some things have grown. That's because marathon running makes me hungry. I spent a week in Galicia and I have eaten all that was on the rocks less than a Japanese tourist and a seagull.

reminding myself that almost was able to run 35 miles without effort 5'15 have forced the fat to run at rates close to 5. I've done it for five miles and two 5'03 heating and two cooling.

obligations within the corridor is the blogger to attend Meetups corridors such as those organized Rafa. Moreover, especially those organized by Rafa, which are rigged. Rafa, the Garden rills, that corridor that makes 3h 37 'in Mapoma and put the same face effort than walking along the beach.

Monday, April 25, 2011

What Is A Gentile Body Part

Onion Router [Open Source]

After seeing this article: Everything is being recorded in UK stores each email, call and visited page, I return to the publication of navigation means "anonymous", using this small very practical and useful, free portable program.

Note: The pages you visit us detect and record. Now it seems not to matter, but the regimes of the states change: they can enter explicit government dictatorships that do not like you've seen some pages. All websites are equal. With your IP recorded by default on all sites you have visited and your email account, you can ask your phone company and averguar who you are. Not that spying is sometimes default to leave your brand identity and where you surf. Anonymity on the Internet solutions that we propose hiding our identity to the page where you enter (eg. google), but data in and out of our computer can be seen by other users of these solutions (eg. hackers)


There are many reasons for wanting to have an anonymous browsing, ranging from personal data protection, to hide the navigation activities. Whatever the reasons you have, one of the most popular methods for doing this is through the OR network. Advanced

Onion Router is an alternative to the Tor client that comes with some interface improvements and making all Tor options more accessible to the user.

can also tick the check box "Start Tor automatically" to make sure that Advanced Onion Router starts connection to the OR as soon as the program runs. Advanced

Onion Router is an application for Windows users who want an alternative to Tor easier to configure and some additional options.

author's web page:


Thursday, April 21, 2011

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Copy, damn! Copyright (Documentary in Castilian)

Download (244 MB):

Copy, damn! is a documentary directed intellectual property by Stéphane M. Thick. It is the first content licensed under Creative Commons (BY / NC 3.0 license) is issued for English television and that can be downloaded freely through In the documentary, the characters discover they are now at the center of the debate on new ethical and moral challenges posed by the digital revolution, as the lawyer David Bravo or writer Lorenzo Silva.

involved in the documentary:
Javier de la Cueva (intellectual property lawyer), Enrique Loras (Director General of the SGAE), Lorenzo Silva (writer), Fernando Evol (President of YELMO CINEPLEX , hi cinema), Ignasi Labastida (Creative Commons Spain), José Manuel Tourne (Dir. Gen. of the Federation for the Protection of Intellectual Property), Simona Levi (La_EX, former eXgae), David Bravo (intellectual property lawyer) Elena Cabrera (AUTOREVERSE Netlabel), Pilar Reyes (Alfaguara Editorial Director), Ignacio Escolar (journalist and blogger), Magdalena Vinent (Director General of CEDRO) and Alfonso Arias (musician).

This documentary is the first issue RTVE will be available in full under a Creative Commons license. RTVE provides for free download every single interview, at length, for those who want to deepen the subject or take advantage of to enrich their own video, podcast, text on the subject.


The project and the documentary:
What is IP?
To what extent can have an idea?
What rights flow from this property is widely recognized by law since the time of the industrial revolution?

The law is clear about it and under it, for decades, calls have proliferated rights management entities such as SGAE, CEDRO, VEGAP etc. in theory, dedicated to protecting the rights of authors. But for some years and especially since the advent of the information society on a massive scale, the entire system, on which there was some consensus is being challenged constantly. Winds of, and raise new questions. To what extent can be a crime to copy?
Do not copy all constantly when we think and believe?

A new battle has begun, the record companies complain of losses in the millions by the famous "top manta" and
downloads and file sharing online, while users are asked to be allowed use a technology that is available
and can not look away. The police start to act on the streets but the Internet has become a major area of \u200b\u200bexchange
beyond any control, there are those who say that this has always existed, who has not recorded an album to a friend
on tape ?

Things evolve, and publishing business models exist that are not based on the restriction, but in the free publication of the works
Internet, which, curiously, does not make sales of the works published in the paper down, as buyers feel more confident in
to read what they want before buying. Something new is also happening in the music business, there are already thousands of
groups and artists who post their work on forgetting Internet intermediaries, the user can download his songs, enjoy, share etc
. The musicians who aspire to use this system to fill concert halls and so living from their art without denying the public
inevitable, the right to copy.

This opens a new sense of intellectual property that already has millions of followers, is the COPYLEFT. But the traditional structures that teeter
against the unstoppable technological change, are defended tooth and nail. For quite some time has SGAE
managed to be granted the right to charge a fee to use any material which can be recorded. The result is the outrage
of users and especially the Internet to see how expensive the prices of CD's and DVD's no matter to
that will be used. There are already several bills that would question the right to charge for using a recording medium. It would
by many lawyers to put a tax on the role of the XXI century. Something like a new stationery, digitally clear.

In Copy, damn! we will discover that the characters are now at the center of this struggle. Citizens who have
up the courage and the selfless help of experienced lawyers, have launched a legal fight against powerful SGAE,
which in turn predicts the end of the culture and the creation if it does not address their demands.

We will meet the drivers and numerous new avenues for publishing and distribution of works. Publishers and authors XXI century
who maintain that the creation is argued to share and fortunately, today
intellectual creation enjoys good health. We also meet the developers of new licenses, other than copyright, which allow you to share the works discriminated between commercial and noncommercial they see as the future of the dissemination of culture, retain their rights as creators.

try to unravel the legal network today governing intellectual property, a series of legal texts incomprehensible to most citizens, however, are daily affected by its implementation. Also know all the alternatives that are raised in a serious manner by those who think that these laws were designed for a world that is no longer the world we live. And we will address the thorny issue of business models that are disappearing along with others who are born in the heat of the new possibilities offered by technology. We will also make a profound reflection on the ethical and moral implications of current copyright models and what new avenues are opening up and exploring for future development of current models.

Some of the characters involved in the documentary are: Javier de la Cueva (intellectual property lawyer), Enrique Loras (Director General of the SGAE), Lorenzo Silva (writer), Fernando Evol (President of YELMO CINEPLEX, cinema chain), Ignasi Labastida (Creative Commons Spain), José Manuel Tourne (Dir. Gen. of the Federation for the Protection of Intellectual Property), Simona Levi (La_EX, former eXgae), David Bravo (property lawyer intellectual), Elena Cabrera (AUTOREVERSE Netlabel), Pilar Reyes (Alfaguara Editorial Director), Ignacio Escolar (journalist and blogger), Magdalena Vinent (Director General of CEDRO) or Alfonso Arias (musician). Copy

, damn! seeks to go beyond theory, self-reflective and also document how the production of the film under a Creative Commons license. This documentary makes a unique and strange film. This will allow free copying and distribution of the film for non-commercial use. The development of a web parallel to the project ensures two-way contact with potential viewers and netizens interested Documentary on the subject.

Official Blog:
Go and / or download the document from the official blog: (Note: Only you can view or download here submitted after the English TV. - TVE broadcast - Sunday April 17th at 22h in 2) The friend Rafapal

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Car Hauler Rentals Dallas

Rafapal: War-generated (Spanish Audio)

presents his observations on relationships between men and women. He said
manipulated through the media, through a constant barrage of news from maltreatment taken context.

"Objective? May face in and out men and women together, and thus weaken the society. Perhaps

controversial, maybe wrong, but this statement makes you think.

present the videos to watch online, or download them to listen quietly at home or where you want. Lucio

Download (100 MB):

Download (300 MB):

Bella Cucina Waffle Recipe

Gatillazo "Blood and shit" - Damn Records (2011) (Music)

the rhythm of his songs, without the arrears, we published the last record of our esteemed Evaristo. Lucio


01. This is Life!
02. Thirty and Three
03. Perfect Chaos
04. A Little Respect
05. No Love
Social War 07. We are here
08. Two Flavors
09. Dressing up the doll
10. Many Death
11. Basically
Shit 12. God forbid
13. Blood And Shit
14. Today wipe 'em
The return of the most highly topical in the music scene has been one of the news so far this year. The group's strength has been amplified by the masterful work of Carlos Creator in production, just the missing element for the band was not only an excellent combo of punk rock but also shape their own sound in this new masterpiece.

say Evaristo masterpiece because not only writes songs but also allowed to teach what a punk track in English. His expertise is evident in this work that, in his own words, flee the irony and the resources to criticize sack almost everything that moves. Starting with
This is life! us and makes it clear that this is the album with more insults per second of the band ever recorded. Thirty-three sums in the same number of seconds the sufferings of Euskal Herria. Perfect chaos exposes us to a social critique of excellent workmanship and a strong theme also in sound.

A little respect is one of my favorite songs on the disc both for its riff as its letter. No Love is perhaps the style track La Polla, new paragraph framing (Every time I remember shit Lady Di). Social war is an example of so-called punk ranker. So far we have Come in anger group collects and outlines a more guitar and rock than previous issues. Two flavors is another of the great classics of the band. Dressing the doll brings us back to 70's English punk for a new anthem. Many death is my favorite song of the album and a song from now to his fans. Blood and shit

was the single that served as a launch for this work and also the parameters that best sums up this album. Today PALM reflect the more festive side of punk.

The group has improved a lot with two guitars and the rhythm is presented as solid. Agorain titan has again shown that if for all is one of the icons of rock is something patriotic. Masterpiece is a must in your library.

David López "Bechamel"

Download (80 MB): http:/

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Gay Cruising Etiquette

Attention Deficit Disorder with hyperactivity, ADHD (Letter from a parent )

From the excellent blog Miguel Jara , We present this interesting letter, which gives us some light about a "disease" that seems increasingly common, this disease possibly created by the pharmaceutical industry to profit by selling drugs. Lucio

Good evening, my name is Jordi Badia and I am a parent of a child who diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder with hyperactivity (ADHD) four years, doctors a year and we gave up because when I took the pill seemed like another, appeared to a stranger. We were alone until we decided to write our blog . Today has difficulties with learning being overcome and ADHD is completely ruled out (and has eight years).

has cost me, but I do not think the story of ADHD and do not understand how something so horrible I could give my son (methylphenidate and risperiona with only four years). Maintain contact with many people through my blog and is exaggerated the number of children wrongly diagnosed with ADHD , lately I get so many children with ADHD labeled gifted. When it discovers that the diagnosis was wrong and ask explanations from the doctor was wrong. Well

wanted to introduce myself a bit before following comments. Sure I say nothing you do not know, but I leave a link to my blog where I explain the relationship (family) between ADANA Foundation, which is an association of families of children with ADHD, and Laboratorios Rubio. may think that does not take much to establish this relationship, but for me it was very important because the day I established that I lost what little innocence I had left. No wonder they insult me \u200b\u200bevery time I make a comment on one of these associations!

Although I long ago that today I saw a talk from him in which he spoke of these associations receive grants from pharmaceutical companies and thought in this case. I hope resume the topic of ADHD, many children suffer until everyone realizes what we're doing.
I love your work, but hopefully not had to, I mean we live in a world where nobody honest would risk the health of my son for a vacation in Disney.

's statement Europa Press quoted a statement that we will work from here. The spokesman for the European Humanist Regional, Giorgio Schultze, complains that in Italy, pharmaceutical and Lilly, manufacturer of Prozac, is "conducting psychological tests in schools where hyperactivity is being diagnosed more than 50% of the children. " "This is exaggerated and we are concerned that many children are being treated with psychotropic drugs without parents because they are afraid that their children expelled from school," says Schultze.

"99% of English children diagnosed and treated with amphetamines for attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity (ADHD) are not actually sick, but have been victims of an 'excess in the diagnosis' role by the psychiatrists who treated them and their parents, who claim the 'magic pill' to end the inconvenience that may give the children. "

Monday, April 18, 2011

How Much Lactulose Should My Cat Take

Mapoma Round and round 2011. A short review.

As many of you, I have to Mapoma a love-hate relationship.

If I'm not running well designed It gets worse when it comes to running 42 miles uphill running and the sun.
So yesterday, the old traitor and I, we quarreled the tie after six previous meetings where she and I won three times as many.

In these years I have grown up and her child. As we both will not say it hurts more and has less entertainment, less detail and less imagination. As she speaks not tell me what I have no but it sure saved me.

could not lose. The old dog won the game for a female knowing at all times that lay behind every corner and had to run that pace. Rafa went out with my running mate between 5 'and 5' 10 until you reach the cottage. There I noticed that the rate of five thirty in the rise of the lake was slightly faster than it should. And I asked him to leave. There are better fights to win them alone. And there tried to give me everything, but it was business as usual, nothing new.

For five miles I was fifty yards from Rafa and that gave me moral. So much that I almost make the mistake of sprinting and meet with him. It would have been a mistake. Leg pain from thirty-five became difficult to hold and went to six km. But it was too late to Mapoma. Other years I had to drag almost fifteen miles unbearable. Make seven at that rate no was more than a joke. I knew that I would stop (except for the Refreshments to soak not happy with the cup of isotonic). In the final path greeted many friends (thanks for the photo Javier). And I went into 3H 51'11''from the hand of my daughter. Less emotion, more control. This is because before the race I told Rafa he would do 3h 50 '.

recovery in my day I find myself wanting to keep running this season. The feeling is not at the end. Neither have touched me.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Nautical Curtain Ideas

Conxa Interview with Perez, militia of the revolution muted and misrepresented the 36 (text) Mafiaa

- How do you feel here in this residence?

Here? At first I felt a little strange, but I'm getting. I receive many visits and help me

- Concha, will appeal to readers to come see you and bring you flowers and books you enjoy reading. (Private and Oriol Beltran, street Cardener, 4-6, Barceloneta)
Yes, books, because when I have visitors, I spend the day reading.

- There are few people who read as much as you. Today, Shell, young people no longer read books.
I read until the day before I die, so to speak.

- What training did you have? I trained as an anarchist
soon, because my father was one of the founders of the CNT, and my older brother was also an anarchist. At home they were meeting. My father's friends came and we learned things. At school I was very little. I liked going to school. When I saw there closed, I went through the fields, and sat in a trunk to read. In the neighborhood of the Cortes, there were many fields of vegetables.

- So you were not going to school ... Not much. - Did you go to the rationalist schools? Nor
. When I was little there was, it was the epoch of the dictatorship of Primo de Rivera and closed. Going to normal schools, public, where we paid something. What happens is that my father put in jail every now and took me out of school because they could afford. There were 6 brothers. And as he left jail me back to school, but maybe then was not the same school. The father wanted us to learn. Total I have come to study more and had none. I've been self taught.

- You say you Yes I enjoyed reading
I have spent my life reading. Since childhood he was always with a book, if she would take one I had to read.

- What you reading? There were novels that I liked, the "ideal" I also read a Fe-Deric Montseny, the novels of his father Federico Urals, Victor Hugo, Bakunin, etc.. After the Athenian Lighthouses, we discussed books, we were reading, learned to write, do math. And there Esperanto courses, psychology, sexuality, naturism.

- What are the people who most influenced you?
Carrasquer Brothers, who wanted to form rationalist school. In the fellow Corts district also wanted to create a rationalist school. I was lucky enough to have made friends with them. Influenced me very positively.

- Do you have a letter from his father? A letter, an article of yours?
No, my father was illiterate, a man of action. Participated in the union of the CNT, in the lyceum. Sometimes they escape to the police, because when they came to search the Carretas street, had a way to leave behind and go to stop another street. I have only one picture of him. I have not written anything. I explain what I experienced, I remember. In yes I change my elder brother who wrote songs, sang, participated in theater and in the chorus of Athenian.

- How long did you live in the Corts? I emancipated young girl, must be 19 years. My mother did not know to act so freely. Going to meetings and arrived very late at night. I also claimed that boys and girls we worked equally in household chores. But what really made me go was the relationship with Martorell. Parents did not like because he was wanted for robberies he had done for the Organization and also for him. And I could commit to me and my brother. Martorell was at that time the enemy number 1. I did contact him and buy him food. At Christmas I would go home from a friend who was alone. The mother told me: "If you're not on Christmas at home, find a place to live, do not come back." I as I wanted, I left. First home of some friends that I left a room Torrassa, then with a friend rented an apartment. My mother suffered a lot and was worried about me. I did not want to go to jail like my father and my older brother.

- if you did not and ended up going to jail. Tell us how it was.
was in a general strike. We were a group to close factories. In a we resistance and began to throw stones. Wine assault guards on horseback. A colleague handed me a gun telling me that I would register. We started to run and run. We stopped and took us back to the factory. Some said said: "They are. Are these. " The police wanted him to say that the gun belonged to my brother. And I told them I had found. Finally the fellow passed me, he took responsibility. I had about 5 months in prison. There I read a lot.

- Remember the advent of the Republic on May 1931?. We went to the rally
Fine Arts at the Arc de Triomf. There were many people. One speaker was in Garcia Oliver. When we went out in protest at the Plaza Sant Jaume to go and claim a set of demands to the president Macià: cheaper rents and improvements for workers. In Sant Jaume was shooting. With the riots, I lost my mother and my brothers and I saw on the floor at one protester dead. I was very impressed.

- Lights were going to ateneo. Yes
located on Avenida Mistral, but we were a lot of Les Corts and Sants. García Oliver, who was a waiter at Sants, we were taught to use weapons. Manuel Escorza was the head of a panel of IAF, and engaged in counter-Fascist persecution, sexuality and taught us culture talks. He was a born teacher, lived in the Corts. Mauritius, which was my final companion, it was carrying, as it was invalid, the Athenian headlights to make speeches. He was very intelligent. His house was full of books and always surrounded by young people. In the 36 to me asked me to join the group of IAF intelligence, which he managed. I was very fond of him, but I refused.

- On July 19, 1936, where were you and what did you do?
The comrades of the FAI, the Athenian Lighthouses, were gathered Feds in the bar, near the Corts (London street). We were already warned of a military coup. We went to the Pedralbes barracks where the troops had already left. The soldiers were no resistance. And trucks filled weapons. In the rush and excitement let us ammunition. We had to go back. What we left the bar the Feds, who was a teacher, the headquarters of our group of IAF, an affinity group.

Pedralbes What were you armed?
Yes I was with a pistol he gave me a few days before my father. And lost. For some time it ask my dad.

"A great legacy! What else did you do?
went to the Modelo prison to free the prisoners. When we were ready to go. Martorell thought to find, but did not see it. A week ago, I dreamed two nights Martorell. I've lived what I lived with him, like right now.

- Why?
A friend taught me a few days ago shot lists and documents of how he was caught and killed. It has affected me a lot, so I dreamed.

- In the Revolution, do you dream? I do not remember ... live the revolution, I did not dream about it.

- When you were front? Early. In the Corts was organizing a century to go forward and I joined. We were the "Eaglets of Corts', 100 volunteers. Went to Caspe. I was until some time after he ordered the militarization of militias and the return of women.

- No parrots ...
was a time of struggle, day after day. There were always things to do and we did everything with enthusiasm. We believe that the revolution would succeed and would release even Portugal.

- What was the happiest time you lived?
This time of revolution. In Barcelona I worked in a factory and we collectivize lipstick and convert back to a weapons factory in the service of revolution. I was on the committee. It was a very enriching and interesting. Lathes and began buying what we needed to produce bullets and investigate how to make more weapons. Everyone worked for the revolution. I remember as a very happy time of my life. It was the right moment to transform the world.

- May 37, the Communists led by Stalin intended to stop the revolution and lead the events of May in Barcelona. What do you remember?

 Eran días de mucha confusión. Me pidieron ir al centro de Barcelona al Comité de la CNT a buscar información
de lo que pasaba. Una compañera dijo
que me acompañaba. Finalmente un
chico italiano con un coche recubierto
de hierros y planchas, que al final no
servían para nada, nos llevó. En Via
Laietana, a la altura de comisaría nos
tirotearon. Deberían pensar que los
queríamos atacar. El joven conductor
quedó muy malherido y a mí, que me
habían herido en una pierna, me llevaron al Clínico. Cuando pude, me escapé y volví con los compañeros.

 - ¿Cuándo decides marchar al
exilio, dejarlo everything and leave the country?
At the factory with my brother we said we had to do a thought and go. People were marching. There was no one in the region. Had to make a decision. The war was lost. What held us was the wife of a colleague who was at the front. I was sick and had a child and we left it at our expense. We did not know where to leave, we wanted who could take charge. So were the last to go to France.

- What did you feel to lose everything and see the fascists took over all?
can not explain. There are no words. Is a feeling too big. Remember facts: burned everything that could be compromised. We arrived at Portbou and French had closed the border. After two days they let women and children. They took us to the border with Belgium, and after the concentration camp of Argelès in the Rosselló. There I met a practitioner of Madrid with whom I had a son, Ramon.

- How was the return to Spain?
Duro. Many adventures. I had to introduce me to the police regularly. The times made me hard. I did not know how to work and take care of the child. I had to fight much to my son grow. Until I found a fellow who live headlamps.

- And in the transition, when you join the CNT? Military had not stopped in the CNT. In 1975, several supporters, some 10, we form the trade union the CNT.

- In 1997, forms part of the group of "Gifts of the 36" .... On the association "Women of 36 ', I can speak better Llum because she created it ... (Ventura Light is a creative hairdresser friend inseparable de la Concha. It is present in the interview and accompanying Concha whenever possible)

- Llum, explain how you came up the project of "Gifts of the 36"
15 years ago I was minister of culture and equality, as an independent. Following the film Land and Freedom Ken Loach became interested in collecting testimonies from women of 36. And as my roots are libertarian, my grandfather was an anarchist Chinatown, my mother was an anarchist, and was called Freedom, I wondered what had happened to the women of my mother's generation. Hence the project. It is the first restoration projects of historical memory. We created the partnership to introduce an award from the city. We won two. There were women of all stripes, less than an anarchist. In the CNT at first did not want to work with this project in the district, but eventually I was introduced to the shell and from that day we have not discussed separately.

- What is the association dedicated "Gifts of the 36"? Women had
institutes, schools, organizations, testimony of war and revolution. It was an oral transmission of knowledge.

- Internet Browsing around I saw that in the neighborhood of Gràcia have dedicated a square to "women of 36." You planning protests a few years ago because had lattice, privatized and closed to the public.

How did it end? We did a campaign with the slogan "freedom is not put behind bars." We were protesting. Many groups support us. We urge the mayor to take out the bars, or take out the plate of 36 women. Women's 36 does not deserve a place with bars and who have suffered imprisonment, exile, concentration camps. These are people who have fought for freedom. Finally and bars have been removed or the plate. They do what they want.

- Concha, I saw in the demonstration against the Pope with the sticker "Do not wait." What do you think of this pope?
I think the same thing all the Popes, are privileged and deceive the people

- What do you think the current divisions of the syndicalists and libertarian? Fatal
. We must unite. We must put aside what divides us. How do we change the world if we do not get 15 people? If there are differences are discussed and respected, but it must be separated and fighting. I'll give you joy, Concha, yesterday in the demonstration unit of the general strike CGT, CNT, and various anarchist groups, squatters and anti we demonstrated together. It was a good thing to see demonstrations with libertarians, leaving home doctrinal differences and tactics.

- Concha, can tell us a partner for the next interview? Enric Casany. *

Interview by Bofill and Okupem Txema Ones are published in no. 125 of the magazine Catalunya

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Bearded Dragon With Lump In Throat

Fire: automatic redirection from censored sites [Software]

I tried it and this plugin to your browser works perfectly. When you want to access censored websites as or automatically redirects you to the new page of the author, in this case, . So it's not just an exciting tool, but fully functional.
All a backlash against censorship (against the real pirates and gangsters). Lucio

Link to download the plugin for FireFox:
https: / / / en-US / firefox / addon / mafiaafire-redirector /

Blow to

the seizure of U.S. sites. A group of anonymous has developed a plugin for Firefox , a browser plugin that automatically redirects users to the new location of the sites blocked . Mafiaa Fire (pun used Music and Film Industry Association of America ) has been released one hour ago and will soon be available for Chrome .

few days ago I commented the latest that reached us about the movement than in the States is known as 'In our Domains', an action by the U.S. government by blocking domains that are registered in the country belonging to sites that infringe copyright. Stocks started last year and pages or were some of the sites that affected.
In the case vBulletin and many others, the answer was to expand the domains extensions that were outside the scope of U.S. jurisdiction, and here is where Mafiaa Fire.
The plugin released for Firefox now keeps an updated list of all webs seized. Once installed, users who attempt to access any of these blocked domains are redirected to the alternate domain directly facilitated by the web master housing (if it exists, as some sites, a Once locked, have decided to stop working).
This is evident they have to be assisted from the creators of the pages, which are given the opportunity to register new domains in the application. In addition, in anticipation of future blockages, Mafiaa Fire also offers to all those owners of websites who think they may be at risk to enter their alternative locations so that if users happen sometime could access almost in unison to the new address. In this case, the owners of accommodation will only have to activate the system after encountering the blockade. The group that created the plugin had about the same for TorrentFreak that:

This is just the beginning, now we have opened a can of worms, people can expect many more additions, extensions and plugins for us. Our goal is to reverse the government attempts to censor the Internet, trying not to protect its business models of dinosaurs. We are really tired of corruption at the highest levels of government. Enough is enough. There is a time to weep and a time to take action.

Governments around the world and the entertainment companies have no problem using excuses to get gradually greater control over the Internet for their own interests, trampling our rights in the process. Our right to privacy should outweigh any business model obsolete. All

a statement of intent that promises to be just the beginning. Fire Mafia can be downloaded from already Mozilla page or official website program. The supplement will be open source and released in a few days . You can also find on page a list of frequently asked questions about their stationing and operation.


Thursday, April 14, 2011

Best Mid-range Home Theater


sometimes not knowing is too

sometimes not

I wrote poems that flooded the sky


naked pain

I forgot

in any one month ago

anywhere you went

not only to make me feel good

and here

this absurd summer afternoon

I keep wondering

why not ...

sometimes do not know too

sometimes not

few days I imagine your steps on the sidewalk

some nights I sense a farewell


taught me

is an absurd wound

and I never learned to apologize

some evenings the scent fills the air around your neck

some mornings I feel better

and I always wonder

with the same anguish

what price you pay for being


Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Job Applications For Vans

David Bravo, Copy, damn! - (Interview-1 h 17 min.)

Great interview with David Bravo who Currently in addition to explaining the rights of cultural exchange in Spain, gives us insights as

"The Internet has meant the Library of Alexandria , online.
This social benefit does not mind anybody. Here no one gets when Zapatero, the Sinde, the Baptist start talking about interests (legitimate or not). No one stops to say understand that this advance has its importance.
When I was 15, passed in front of bookstores and my economy gave me two of the 10 who wanted to read. There was no censorship, but censorship will put it in the portfolio. Your arrival PORTFOLIO WHERE YOUR ARRIVAL. And yet reached
internet and can read the 10 AND THAT DOES NOT MATTER TO ANYONE.
The social benefit of access to culture no matter absolutely nothing, because it contradicts with the business benefit of a few. "

Copy, damn! -> David Bravo, a lawyer - INTERVIEW from elegant mob films on Vimeo.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Free Bmx Stickers By Mail

Monday, April 11, 2011

Three Piece Desk Blueprint

Pilger, John: The war that you do not see (The war you do not see) (Spanish subtitles Documentary - 1hr 37 min.)

When you think you've seen all the documentaries out there. That is not going to surprise anyone, it appears John Pilger, not only denouncing and analyzing the actions of politicians and media in the wars, but also collecting evidence of criminal guilty of this manipulation repent, dividing slapping dialectical important characters in of these groups to manipulate the masses (BBC among others). Lucio

Download (375 MB):
Pilger, John: The war that you do not see (The war you do not see) (English subtitles Documentary - 1hr 37 min.)