Another 30K.
remember Sunday as the day on which, after further training throughout my life, I discovered that the light was gone and I had to crawl to climb the six floors. Nothing serious, but it was because the dog reminded me that I had to get off (worse off) and climb back up time. As a neighbor told me five: What a beating!. If I tell him.
seems that I keep moving even more slowly than he wanted. This time I have gone the 30 miles (with hills) three minutes faster (5'40 ") last week and five ppm (158) less.
thought I had gone faster but it seems that the speed (damn imagination!) Has been slow to return. And that's how I face a marathon attacked for where they least expected. I am much slower than last year (it should be annoyed, in a year have fallen 10 and 15K mark) when rolled comfortably to 5'10''. But I'm trying to train I had never prepared him well: The resistance from the 27 km which is where problems often start.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Why Are Ants Attracted To Urine
inching quality one day a week
Hi buddies,
begin where I left off. If three weeks ago cost me four days to recover from a mean, if two weeks ago I needed three days to recover twenty-six miles, this week I recovered in two of the training of thirty. Muscularly I'm feeling very well.
So today I hit the unresolved with "something" quality. Two sets of twelve minutes each at threshold pace and I have come to the first and 4'31'' 4'44''(more steep) the second. I felt very good and relaxed. I thought I was going to overwhelm but the feeling was of "flow." Let's see if I can get down a little longer pulses in the shootings at medium.
Next week will be a little compromised because I have to go back to France. Let's see if I can get away for a run. But before I touch another thirty out this weekend. I'm going to end up picking up the taste.
Hi buddies,
begin where I left off. If three weeks ago cost me four days to recover from a mean, if two weeks ago I needed three days to recover twenty-six miles, this week I recovered in two of the training of thirty. Muscularly I'm feeling very well.
So today I hit the unresolved with "something" quality. Two sets of twelve minutes each at threshold pace and I have come to the first and 4'31'' 4'44''(more steep) the second. I felt very good and relaxed. I thought I was going to overwhelm but the feeling was of "flow." Let's see if I can get down a little longer pulses in the shootings at medium.
Next week will be a little compromised because I have to go back to France. Let's see if I can get away for a run. But before I touch another thirty out this weekend. I'm going to end up picking up the taste.
How To Tell If Someone Has An Adult Diaper On
Testimonials from Libya (Text)
Solo Nador
Ghadafi rebellion These people just want to sell our goods and do not want anything good for us. Today
Ishmell have shot near Tunis and houses have skyrocketed to killing people.
You know how well we lived and we do not have gasoline or food. most things that came from Egypt and now airplanes work and we have no gas supplies do not reach us, it's over for babies milk, cheese, and all sto
Sarcosi by foreigners is an animal!
The new government is willing to cede 50% of oil to France if they removed from the middle to Ghadafi. We are here with Ghadafi
If we knew that this war is to encourage and we do not want this government we would move. But is the opposite.
We want our government and this war is not ours.
We want this government and especially Ghadafi and his family. We proclaim that our families are willing to die for us and we by Ghadafi.
In these 42 years we have been careful Gaddafi has given us schools, hospitals, farms, money .. but these people is burning and killing. 7000 houses have been destroyed Ghadafi burning that had been done to give the people. Cyrenaica
In some rebels are using mosques as bars.
Eva said ...
I appreciate the effort you make to give voice to all parties to the conflict. My personal opinion is that these people, well all I have no doubt, suffer a so-called "Stockholm Syndrome." Gaddafi has earned them with state aid and other goodies. I'm sure he lived well, but if God wants no one (or partnership or the government) gets out of hand, live better.
Leonor said ...
I assure you that these people are not ignorant and many are university students who speak English and have traveled to other countries.
precisely this is a singularity of Libya have been closed for 30 years while having universities in all cities. They are very proud people cuklta with a tribal organization
Interview with Israel Shamir, an independent political observer and commentator well known
The French armed forces have destroyed some tanks and armored vehicles in Libya, information confirmed by the representative of the French defense minister. Meanwhile, Gaddafi expressed his dissatisfaction with the intervention of French forces, and announced that he and his followers would rather die than submit.
The U.S. defense officials have told Reuters that the U.S. Navy has three submarines in the Mediterranean, preparing for operations in Libya, and this was confirmed by the French defense minister. Al-Jazeera reported earlier that four Libyan tanks had been destroyed in the south of Benghazi. What information do you have about the current situation in Libya at the moment?
Yes, they have destroyed four tanks of the Libyan government. And now they have shot down a jet belonging to the rebels, did not purposely, of course, but it was. Now in Tripoli, are celebrating the surrender of Benghazi to government troops. Now, are going through moments of total confusion. On the one hand, say government forces Benghazi that surrendered, and on the other, British and French forces trying to keep it. In any case, Western reporters reporting from Tobruk, which is far east of Benghazi. And it seems that Tripoli is firm in power Gaddafi, and there are plenty of statements of support in their favor. Very cynical I've seen reports saying that the worst case, even if French and English able to dismember Libya, and end the piece that represents Benghazi, it will be very valuable in this shot, because the oil is not there. But this argument only applies if they are looking for oil. In fact, they may want about all settled into a good place to establish a large military base Tobruk and Benghazi, in order to monitor Egypt. This would also charge a lot of sense, because nobody knows where Egypt is focused. If Egypt is derailed from its course pro-Israel today, which greatly disturb Israel, and in this case, the Yankee America, as Israel's elder sister, would follow the current, for which a good base out of Egypt will be very convenient In any case, the first thing I would say is that I regret terribly that this intervention has begun. It was extremely unnecessary. And it would be much, much better if left to the Libyans to find out their problems together.
As you know, Gaddafi Cameron wrote letters to Sarkozy as saying they have no right to interfere, and some think that this could lead to Gadaffi to seek stay in Benghazi and to ensure that the war pond in the rest of the country. What is the likelihood, in your opinion, that this is not resolved soon, and that the situation remains stagnant for weeks, days or even months?
Yes, this is the impression so far. It is still difficult to know what will happen, but Gadaffi has a large carrying capacity. Is a unique character. Of course, no longer young, but say that survived many bombs. The Yankees bombed it, killing her daughter, as you may remember a few years ago. So sobrevvió many attempts to remove the medium and conquer Libya. It is impossible to return to survive is very clever, is a very intelligent leader, talented, and very brave. And it also seems that has much support, not enough like him, of course, and obviously made mistakes by failing to democratize his country, not let the people more opportunities to express their views and wishes. Obviously, there is opposition. But look, this does not mean that all the opposition is prepared to support the submission to the European colonial forces.
And what is true of those who support Gaddafi? How many, what percentage they represent, are they worried by the intervention? This intervention has already thrown a lot of people on the side of Gaddafi, they say, "Look, we would have liked to solve our problems ourselves, without the invasion."
I think this last remark is absolutely right. This is what happens, exactly. People hated Gaddaffi today is saying now: "Well, if it comes to choosing between Gaddafi and the reoccupation by the European colonizers, the better Gaddafi." So such a dilemma is very familiar to us, in many countries against foreign invasion, people say: "Forget about our disagreements, and present a united front and unique. So it is highly possible - and I'm seeing that this view is shared by many observers, in fact, the attack would strengthen rather than overthrow Gaddafi.
Yes, that's what everyone senses now. But how long do you think Gaddafi can stay in power under attack USianas forces, French, English? To my knowledge, no U.S. submarines stationed to take part in the action if necessary.
Look, so many things depend on many others. It is still difficult to predict. Today was also the first time that developed anti-war demonstrations in Los Angeles and New York, and tomorrow, are preparing more demonstrations in San Francisco. It is not impossible that the American public opposes the war because they feel that enough has cost Afghanistan and Iraq as well, and are fed up. This is not impossible at all. This does not mean that there are elements of farce in the stir of joy from the French and British politicians, because we finally have something to teach those who voted, finally they are showing what they chose, and this type of feelings is so outdated, this bravado that and it is unusual. Also, where exactly is the courage, to attack a small and distant foreign country? It is not easy to say what going to happen now.
I see. "Well, in your opinion, what the long-term ramifications of this intervention?
One thing is clear, and it's very ugly. We must look first to the bad news. The bad news is that sovereignty has become a buzzword, and this is extremely important. The Russia that is being incorporated now tried to speak out saying that we must recognize the sovereignty, and that it should respect the sovereignty of each country, and has returned to again undermine that concept. Some people compare it to what happened in Kosovo, and others with what happened in Afghanistan or Iraq, in any case, we see again that the NATO forces attempting to impose a regime change, and is a great disappointment that China and Russia thought it was enough to abstain and stay out, instead of defending the great principle of sovereignty. We see that while in Bahrain, which is, as we know, also a fleet base Rnd USA, there are demonstrations, protesters are shot dead, the country has just seen troops invaded by Saudis, and nobody has been thinking when they should regret and lack of action ...
I see. Thanks for agreeing to discuss the situation late at night, I value your input.
English translation: Maria Poumier
Solo Nador
Ghadafi rebellion These people just want to sell our goods and do not want anything good for us. Today
Ishmell have shot near Tunis and houses have skyrocketed to killing people.
You know how well we lived and we do not have gasoline or food. most things that came from Egypt and now airplanes work and we have no gas supplies do not reach us, it's over for babies milk, cheese, and all sto
Sarcosi by foreigners is an animal!
The new government is willing to cede 50% of oil to France if they removed from the middle to Ghadafi. We are here with Ghadafi
If we knew that this war is to encourage and we do not want this government we would move. But is the opposite.
We want our government and this war is not ours.
We want this government and especially Ghadafi and his family. We proclaim that our families are willing to die for us and we by Ghadafi.
In these 42 years we have been careful Gaddafi has given us schools, hospitals, farms, money .. but these people is burning and killing. 7000 houses have been destroyed Ghadafi burning that had been done to give the people. Cyrenaica
In some rebels are using mosques as bars.
Eva said ...
I appreciate the effort you make to give voice to all parties to the conflict. My personal opinion is that these people, well all I have no doubt, suffer a so-called "Stockholm Syndrome." Gaddafi has earned them with state aid and other goodies. I'm sure he lived well, but if God wants no one (or partnership or the government) gets out of hand, live better.
Leonor said ...
I assure you that these people are not ignorant and many are university students who speak English and have traveled to other countries.
precisely this is a singularity of Libya have been closed for 30 years while having universities in all cities. They are very proud people cuklta with a tribal organization
Interview with Israel Shamir, an independent political observer and commentator well known
The French armed forces have destroyed some tanks and armored vehicles in Libya, information confirmed by the representative of the French defense minister. Meanwhile, Gaddafi expressed his dissatisfaction with the intervention of French forces, and announced that he and his followers would rather die than submit.
The U.S. defense officials have told Reuters that the U.S. Navy has three submarines in the Mediterranean, preparing for operations in Libya, and this was confirmed by the French defense minister. Al-Jazeera reported earlier that four Libyan tanks had been destroyed in the south of Benghazi. What information do you have about the current situation in Libya at the moment?
Yes, they have destroyed four tanks of the Libyan government. And now they have shot down a jet belonging to the rebels, did not purposely, of course, but it was. Now in Tripoli, are celebrating the surrender of Benghazi to government troops. Now, are going through moments of total confusion. On the one hand, say government forces Benghazi that surrendered, and on the other, British and French forces trying to keep it. In any case, Western reporters reporting from Tobruk, which is far east of Benghazi. And it seems that Tripoli is firm in power Gaddafi, and there are plenty of statements of support in their favor. Very cynical I've seen reports saying that the worst case, even if French and English able to dismember Libya, and end the piece that represents Benghazi, it will be very valuable in this shot, because the oil is not there. But this argument only applies if they are looking for oil. In fact, they may want about all settled into a good place to establish a large military base Tobruk and Benghazi, in order to monitor Egypt. This would also charge a lot of sense, because nobody knows where Egypt is focused. If Egypt is derailed from its course pro-Israel today, which greatly disturb Israel, and in this case, the Yankee America, as Israel's elder sister, would follow the current, for which a good base out of Egypt will be very convenient In any case, the first thing I would say is that I regret terribly that this intervention has begun. It was extremely unnecessary. And it would be much, much better if left to the Libyans to find out their problems together.
As you know, Gaddafi Cameron wrote letters to Sarkozy as saying they have no right to interfere, and some think that this could lead to Gadaffi to seek stay in Benghazi and to ensure that the war pond in the rest of the country. What is the likelihood, in your opinion, that this is not resolved soon, and that the situation remains stagnant for weeks, days or even months?
Yes, this is the impression so far. It is still difficult to know what will happen, but Gadaffi has a large carrying capacity. Is a unique character. Of course, no longer young, but say that survived many bombs. The Yankees bombed it, killing her daughter, as you may remember a few years ago. So sobrevvió many attempts to remove the medium and conquer Libya. It is impossible to return to survive is very clever, is a very intelligent leader, talented, and very brave. And it also seems that has much support, not enough like him, of course, and obviously made mistakes by failing to democratize his country, not let the people more opportunities to express their views and wishes. Obviously, there is opposition. But look, this does not mean that all the opposition is prepared to support the submission to the European colonial forces.
And what is true of those who support Gaddafi? How many, what percentage they represent, are they worried by the intervention? This intervention has already thrown a lot of people on the side of Gaddafi, they say, "Look, we would have liked to solve our problems ourselves, without the invasion."
I think this last remark is absolutely right. This is what happens, exactly. People hated Gaddaffi today is saying now: "Well, if it comes to choosing between Gaddafi and the reoccupation by the European colonizers, the better Gaddafi." So such a dilemma is very familiar to us, in many countries against foreign invasion, people say: "Forget about our disagreements, and present a united front and unique. So it is highly possible - and I'm seeing that this view is shared by many observers, in fact, the attack would strengthen rather than overthrow Gaddafi.
Yes, that's what everyone senses now. But how long do you think Gaddafi can stay in power under attack USianas forces, French, English? To my knowledge, no U.S. submarines stationed to take part in the action if necessary.
Look, so many things depend on many others. It is still difficult to predict. Today was also the first time that developed anti-war demonstrations in Los Angeles and New York, and tomorrow, are preparing more demonstrations in San Francisco. It is not impossible that the American public opposes the war because they feel that enough has cost Afghanistan and Iraq as well, and are fed up. This is not impossible at all. This does not mean that there are elements of farce in the stir of joy from the French and British politicians, because we finally have something to teach those who voted, finally they are showing what they chose, and this type of feelings is so outdated, this bravado that and it is unusual. Also, where exactly is the courage, to attack a small and distant foreign country? It is not easy to say what going to happen now.
I see. "Well, in your opinion, what the long-term ramifications of this intervention?
One thing is clear, and it's very ugly. We must look first to the bad news. The bad news is that sovereignty has become a buzzword, and this is extremely important. The Russia that is being incorporated now tried to speak out saying that we must recognize the sovereignty, and that it should respect the sovereignty of each country, and has returned to again undermine that concept. Some people compare it to what happened in Kosovo, and others with what happened in Afghanistan or Iraq, in any case, we see again that the NATO forces attempting to impose a regime change, and is a great disappointment that China and Russia thought it was enough to abstain and stay out, instead of defending the great principle of sovereignty. We see that while in Bahrain, which is, as we know, also a fleet base Rnd USA, there are demonstrations, protesters are shot dead, the country has just seen troops invaded by Saudis, and nobody has been thinking when they should regret and lack of action ...
I see. Thanks for agreeing to discuss the situation late at night, I value your input.
English translation: Maria Poumier
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Why Won't My Labtec Optical Mouse Work
is all a lie: downloads never hurt the content industry (Text)
Lie. All lies. No discharge resulted in loss of sales, or jobs, or wealth, or declines in GDP, nor any of the apocalyptic messages that the content industry has launched over recent years. They are simply liars stakeholders seeking to influence politicians and citizens to search only their own benefit.
A study undertaken at the London School of Economics examines the evolution of the metrics of the industry compared with the downloads, and shows that everything he said the industry was wrong, a simple lie. That the industry is not as bad as they sought to see the downloads have not caused any significant effect (and indeed represent the future of the industry), and decreases in the turnover of the industry are due simply to other factors, such as the economic crisis and the overall decline in fuel economy. For a good analysis, I recommend this article from Ars Technica, "Did cause file-sharing recording industry collapse? Economists say no. "
The evidence can not miss that sales declined is evident but they did exactly the same segments of the population lacking access to computer and network, and due mainly to a decline in disposable income for spending on entertainment. Downloads, as many of us have enough of that for a long time, do not hurt sales, but extending the visibility and exposure multiplied, becoming more tangible interest that makes many people go to a concert, to a room film or consuming content in the way that the industry proposes - if it proposes a reasonable minimum, which is the big Achilles heel behind their losses. Pursuing
downloads and those who make a wrong, dead-end strategy. Protect obsolete business models is to avoid the advances of technology only contributes to freeze innovation in the industry. Facts supported by data and analysis, to speculations of an industry interested manipulative lobbies dedicated to supporting unpresentable privileges and monopolies of the past. It's worth reading the study, written in perfectly accessible: it is so clear that even a politician could understand it :-) -and-copyright-protection
Source: the-contenidos.html? utm_source = feedburner & utm_medium = feed & utm_campaign = Feed: ElBlogDeEnriqueDans + + (The + Blog + of + Henry + Dans)
Lie. All lies. No discharge resulted in loss of sales, or jobs, or wealth, or declines in GDP, nor any of the apocalyptic messages that the content industry has launched over recent years. They are simply liars stakeholders seeking to influence politicians and citizens to search only their own benefit.
A study undertaken at the London School of Economics examines the evolution of the metrics of the industry compared with the downloads, and shows that everything he said the industry was wrong, a simple lie. That the industry is not as bad as they sought to see the downloads have not caused any significant effect (and indeed represent the future of the industry), and decreases in the turnover of the industry are due simply to other factors, such as the economic crisis and the overall decline in fuel economy. For a good analysis, I recommend this article from Ars Technica, "Did cause file-sharing recording industry collapse? Economists say no. "
The evidence can not miss that sales declined is evident but they did exactly the same segments of the population lacking access to computer and network, and due mainly to a decline in disposable income for spending on entertainment. Downloads, as many of us have enough of that for a long time, do not hurt sales, but extending the visibility and exposure multiplied, becoming more tangible interest that makes many people go to a concert, to a room film or consuming content in the way that the industry proposes - if it proposes a reasonable minimum, which is the big Achilles heel behind their losses. Pursuing
downloads and those who make a wrong, dead-end strategy. Protect obsolete business models is to avoid the advances of technology only contributes to freeze innovation in the industry. Facts supported by data and analysis, to speculations of an industry interested manipulative lobbies dedicated to supporting unpresentable privileges and monopolies of the past. It's worth reading the study, written in perfectly accessible: it is so clear that even a politician could understand it :-) -and-copyright-protection
Source: the-contenidos.html? utm_source = feedburner & utm_medium = feed & utm_campaign = Feed: ElBlogDeEnriqueDans + + (The + Blog + of + Henry + Dans)
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Cervical Bleeding Before Period Starts
Chuck looong
With the start of spring came to a key week. To be or not to be. And it started well. On Tuesday, I shoot recovery, recovered an old sprain friendly greeting me in the morning next.
As I had promised I decided to listen to the body and not run until Saturday. And said goodbye to the shooting quality. Open parenthesis, I'm a hamster (at least my heart beats rhythm). * Photo
Izismile I decided to do a test on Saturday. If it bothered me the least was running the marathon this year. Fortunately, as wine is gone and the shooting went well.
Thus on Sunday afternoon, with a spring day-to-me cago en prepared to make a of the most stupid things you can do a responsible adult. I only run 30 miles.
The first ten miles downhill and uphill following fifteen (sound familiar to you.)
presses the pace high and loose (5'45 and 163 ppm) has never been seen just last month and a half.
However, the good part, muscularly I've noticed a lot better than last week.
course that I'll know tomorrow.
Heat has allowed me to train another interesting thing: Dehydration. The three bottles of Aquarius fell short and if there is no night to not know what had happened. It was interesting. Here I have to say I have never done a workout of 30 miles. I remember that I am a Jackass marathon: I like crashing into a wall and make friends laugh
Author's note: The author of this blog is aware of their low participation in the blogosphere and apologizes.
is what is slavery. It does what it can.
With the start of spring came to a key week. To be or not to be. And it started well. On Tuesday, I shoot recovery, recovered an old sprain friendly greeting me in the morning next.
As I had promised I decided to listen to the body and not run until Saturday. And said goodbye to the shooting quality. Open parenthesis, I'm a hamster (at least my heart beats rhythm). * Photo
Izismile I decided to do a test on Saturday. If it bothered me the least was running the marathon this year. Fortunately, as wine is gone and the shooting went well.
Thus on Sunday afternoon, with a spring day-to-me cago en prepared to make a of the most stupid things you can do a responsible adult. I only run 30 miles.
The first ten miles downhill and uphill following fifteen (sound familiar to you.)
presses the pace high and loose (5'45 and 163 ppm) has never been seen just last month and a half.
However, the good part, muscularly I've noticed a lot better than last week.
course that I'll know tomorrow.
Heat has allowed me to train another interesting thing: Dehydration. The three bottles of Aquarius fell short and if there is no night to not know what had happened. It was interesting. Here I have to say I have never done a workout of 30 miles. I remember that I am a Jackass marathon: I like crashing into a wall and make friends laugh
Author's note: The author of this blog is aware of their low participation in the blogosphere and apologizes.
is what is slavery. It does what it can.
Can You Get Lyme Disease In December
A direct testimony of a Spanish Libya (Audios Youtube)
Gracias a los compañeros de CuestiónateloTodo traemos aquí el testimonio de una española en Libia (las reservas de petróleo en Libia son las más grandes de África y las novenas más grandes del mundo). Quizá escuchándolo seamos un poco (sólo un poco) menos marionetas.
Está haciendo un gran trabajo de cobertura acerca de Libia el blog mencionado.
Recomendamos su visita:
Colocamos además un vídeo visto en PocaMadreNews . Como bien dicen:
Los poderosos, están más locos que 10 Gadafis juntos
The "democrats" rebels who want to overthrow Gaddafi seems to be that blacks are slaughtering indiscriminately, making the partnership: Black = Mercenary Gaddafi.
the end, money and resources spent on arms to kill people (both sides), remove the oil from other countries, while 40 million people still die of hunger every year in the world. Lucio
Leonor Massanet Mallorcan is a psychologist for five years live in direct contact with Libya, a country that is in love since we met. In his blog Leonor in Libya comes telling their experiences with this nation, which has a magnificent natural and historic heritage and, above all, a culture all their own that the Libyans have kept proudly to this day despite the strong and growing Western influences.
Thanks to the testimony of someone like Eleanor, a woman who is not affiliated with any political group and not working for any media, we can understand better what is happening in Libya.
I apologize for the poor quality of sound, but unfortunately I lack the technical means are as important testimony deserves. Leonor
Listen to and compare with what we are told correspondents employed by media oligopolies. Then choose freely whether you believe her or others.
Russia Today TV reported that NATO forces were arming insurgents opposition to Gaddafi in Libya, and this was common knowledge to Washington. And now NATO is against Gaddafi for having fought the rebels. Very similar to what they do in Mexico, the drug arm and then come to fight, is the arms trade and control of natural resources.
Curious to provide more attractive half and Liberty Digital, daily trash TV all the traditional mass media:
To reflect on the true motives of the war in Libya
At this point we should recall that this laudable end led to other international interventions like Iraq against Saddam Hussein. Whichever way you look, the underlying arguments are the same: to end a tyrant and protect millions of innocent citizens. Among both races, the President and the Government of "No War" have experienced a telling development. Rodriguez Zapatero broke into the office with a withdrawal from Iraq and is a year of leaving office with English troops in Afghanistan, Lebanon, Indian and Libya, among other areas. The metamorphosis is evident despite the fact that the Socialists intend to sweeten the propaganda war record with references humanitarian mission. That does not help wandering erratically to generate credibility and confidence are prerequisites for a foreign policy serious.
The attack on Gaddafi's coming also demonstrates the international hypocrisy. Libya is not the only dictatorship in the area or the world. In the same or similar circumstances are Yemen, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Algeria, among others. Human rights are trampled in those countries autocracies and theocracies, but no one lifts a finger to help. Oil is one reason the West's double standards with a major supplier such as Libya, which demonstrates again that the principles sometimes succumb to the "real politik", which is not something to be proud of.
Gracias a los compañeros de CuestiónateloTodo traemos aquí el testimonio de una española en Libia (las reservas de petróleo en Libia son las más grandes de África y las novenas más grandes del mundo). Quizá escuchándolo seamos un poco (sólo un poco) menos marionetas.
Está haciendo un gran trabajo de cobertura acerca de Libia el blog mencionado.
Recomendamos su visita:
Colocamos además un vídeo visto en PocaMadreNews . Como bien dicen:
Los poderosos, están más locos que 10 Gadafis juntos
The "democrats" rebels who want to overthrow Gaddafi seems to be that blacks are slaughtering indiscriminately, making the partnership: Black = Mercenary Gaddafi.
the end, money and resources spent on arms to kill people (both sides), remove the oil from other countries, while 40 million people still die of hunger every year in the world. Lucio
Leonor Massanet Mallorcan is a psychologist for five years live in direct contact with Libya, a country that is in love since we met. In his blog Leonor in Libya comes telling their experiences with this nation, which has a magnificent natural and historic heritage and, above all, a culture all their own that the Libyans have kept proudly to this day despite the strong and growing Western influences.
Thanks to the testimony of someone like Eleanor, a woman who is not affiliated with any political group and not working for any media, we can understand better what is happening in Libya.
I apologize for the poor quality of sound, but unfortunately I lack the technical means are as important testimony deserves. Leonor
Listen to and compare with what we are told correspondents employed by media oligopolies. Then choose freely whether you believe her or others.
Russia Today TV reported that NATO forces were arming insurgents opposition to Gaddafi in Libya, and this was common knowledge to Washington. And now NATO is against Gaddafi for having fought the rebels. Very similar to what they do in Mexico, the drug arm and then come to fight, is the arms trade and control of natural resources.
Curious to provide more attractive half and Liberty Digital, daily trash TV all the traditional mass media:
To reflect on the true motives of the war in Libya
At this point we should recall that this laudable end led to other international interventions like Iraq against Saddam Hussein. Whichever way you look, the underlying arguments are the same: to end a tyrant and protect millions of innocent citizens. Among both races, the President and the Government of "No War" have experienced a telling development. Rodriguez Zapatero broke into the office with a withdrawal from Iraq and is a year of leaving office with English troops in Afghanistan, Lebanon, Indian and Libya, among other areas. The metamorphosis is evident despite the fact that the Socialists intend to sweeten the propaganda war record with references humanitarian mission. That does not help wandering erratically to generate credibility and confidence are prerequisites for a foreign policy serious.
The attack on Gaddafi's coming also demonstrates the international hypocrisy. Libya is not the only dictatorship in the area or the world. In the same or similar circumstances are Yemen, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Algeria, among others. Human rights are trampled in those countries autocracies and theocracies, but no one lifts a finger to help. Oil is one reason the West's double standards with a major supplier such as Libya, which demonstrates again that the principles sometimes succumb to the "real politik", which is not something to be proud of.
ANJALI KAMAT: We hear many versions in the media about the mercenaries that Gaddafi used and said that it was sub-Saharan Africans. What danger be believed? You are not Libyan. What has been your greatest fear? JONNY ASANTE
: Now they hate blacks. So when you go into town to buy something, like food, take a taxi to come and go. Otherwise, if you try to walk, I warn you, they will kill you. ADDO
ALEXMANN : My best friend was shot. We were three. They killed one. I left all my friends there and now I'm here granted. ASANTE
JONNY: Yeah, a guy from Cameroon, who was a Rastafarian and had dreadlocks, was killed.
ANJALI KAMAT: when do you think you can go from here? JONNY ASANTE
: Right now if possible, would appreciate being able to leave this place, this hell.
ANJALI KAMAT: Human Rights Watch has been here in Libya following the situation of migrant workers, as well as the alleged mercenaries. We talked with Peter Bouckaert, emergencies director at Human Rights Watch.
Peter Bouckaert : I think this whole story of African mercenaries in Libya should be a case study in schools of journalism in the United States because it is an excellent example of irresponsible journalism and lazy. Instead of going to investigate these incidents and to verify the veracity of these rumors, Western journalists working for a very good reputation means limited to publishing these rumors to be true. They spoke of wild African men who raped women and so forth, which represents the largest racial prejudice that may exist. ANJALI KAMAT
Can you tell us something about who they really are mercenaries? Peter Bouckaert
: Of course it is possible that Gaddafi has used African mercenaries, and that Gaddafi has been involved in training, funding and arming rebel groups across Africa. He was very involved in the civil war in Chad, and the conflict in Darfur, where rebel groups financed only to participate in the negotiating table. So has the capacity not to recruit African mercenaries, but of using the groups formed and funded. It is possible that some of these fighters have been deployed to the outskirts of Tripoli, or east. But before drawing this conclusion, we must investigate. And now, all these allegations that we investigated in the east, have proved to be untrue.
ANJALI KAMAT: We asked a representative of the Libyan revolutionary if they are doing something to stop this wave of widespread anger against anyone who is perceived as coming from sub-Saharan Africa. ABDEL HAFIZ
GHOQA : [translated] At the beginning of the revolution, the early days, the level of anger Inside the village was very high and we work hard to safeguard those African workers and protect them from any kind of attack. Place them in safe places now things are calm and do not think there is any threat. AMAL
BOUGAIGIS : I Bougaigis Amal. Nobody is killing any of those people. People are organized at this time, understand and take these people to justice. Once there, they are investigated, justice is working. We're not sure if some of them are in one way or another. They are also here. But when we are confident that someone is innocent, leave it immediately released. Peter Bouckaert
: I will not say we're satisfied with some of the things they do. That is, we do believe that is still holding a lot of people who are clearly innocent and should be set free, but at least we were allowed access. I think they are sincere when they try to resolve some of these issues, because a lot of people involved in this revolution are human rights activists, lawyers and people who were at one time in jail. Then, recognize the importance respect for human rights and this revolution is largely on changing the culture of abuse and repression.
: I will not say we're satisfied with some of the things they do. That is, we do believe that is still holding a lot of people who are clearly innocent and should be set free, but at least we were allowed access. I think they are sincere when they try to resolve some of these issues, because a lot of people involved in this revolution are human rights activists, lawyers and people who were at one time in jail. Then, recognize the importance respect for human rights and this revolution is largely on changing the culture of abuse and repression.
ANJALI KAMAT: What is the number of migrant workers in Libya? Peter Bouckaert
: If you count all non-Libyan origin people working in Libya, there is talk of several hundreds of thousands and possibly millions. There are hundreds of thousands of Africans who come here to work in menial jobs, and there are many Asians who come to work in service industries. This country in fact, as many countries Middle East, is one where most of the work is done by migrant workers.
ANJALI KAMAT: On the border with Egypt, we find a large group of migrant workers from Bangladesh, who have spent several nights at the border, waiting to be evacuated by the government. MOHAMMAD
: If you count all non-Libyan origin people working in Libya, there is talk of several hundreds of thousands and possibly millions. There are hundreds of thousands of Africans who come here to work in menial jobs, and there are many Asians who come to work in service industries. This country in fact, as many countries Middle East, is one where most of the work is done by migrant workers.
ANJALI KAMAT: On the border with Egypt, we find a large group of migrant workers from Bangladesh, who have spent several nights at the border, waiting to be evacuated by the government. MOHAMMAD
Suhail : My name is Mohammad Suhail. My country, Bangladesh.
ANJALI KAMAT: For how many days that the Bengalis are here? MOHAMMAD
Suhaila: Possibly 10 days.
ANJALI KAMAT : 10 days ago waiting on the border with Egypt? MOHAMMAD
Suhail: Yes, 10 days, 10 days. In the Egyptian border, about 10 days.
ANJALI KAMAT: How many Bengalis here? MOHAMMAD
Suhail : There are three thousand Bangladeshis now.
ANJALI KAMAT: How come city of Libya? MOHAMMAD
Suhail: I come from Benghazi, was working at Boustead Singapore Company.
ANJALI KAMAT: What do you do? What do you do for a living this company? MOHAMMAD
Suhail: It is a construction company. Peter Bouckaert
Suhail: I come from Benghazi, was working at Boustead Singapore Company.
ANJALI KAMAT: What do you do? What do you do for a living this company? MOHAMMAD
Suhail: It is a construction company. Peter Bouckaert
: There was little response from the government of Bangladesh. And it's really a question of resources for some of these countries. China is a relatively rich country now and can be arranged. You can rent a Greek cruise ship and come here to take thousands of workers. It's much harder for the government of Bangladesh. The international community has an obligation to help evacuate Bangladeshis, as well as Africans. It is a tragedy that Africans, who are most vulnerable in Libya at the moment, who literally pursued in the streets and in some cases who have been victims of lynchings and murders, and who really have been through a very tragic are those that are forgotten in the dock day after day, they are so desperately trying to jump into the boat leaving the port. And the push and hit
ANJALI KAMAT: Despite the terrible circumstances of their exodus from Libya, some of the workers of Ghana fleeing generally identified themselves with revolutionary struggle of the Libyans. JONNY ASANTE
: What I know is that everyone likes freedom. So in this world, democracy is the best form of government at this time, in this world. Then when they started this, I was not upset because Ghana, my country is a democratic country.
GHANA MIGRANT WORKER: In our country, we have no money. Is that money to come to Libya. We have no money. So if they adopt democracy and are free, we will be happy.
ANJALI KAMAT: For Democracy Now! I Anjali Kamat with Yusuf Misdaq in Benghazi, Libya.
AMY GOODMAN: This is Democracy Now,, the War and Peace Report, we moved from Libya to local issues involving the public media.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Mineral Water And Stomach Upset
Reincidentes: Times of anger (Disco)
Sin suits. Nah, you is on:
01 Good Times 02 The Children in One Charger
03 04 05 We Can not Wait
Connection Miami 06 Hours A Day Missing You
Cretinosenaccion @ Spain 07 08
09 Life (A Eluana Englaro)
11 10 Care Across The Crystal
12 So It Goes Blank
13 14 Love Song (The Wine) 15
Hearts Mother Of Fortune
16 File size: 65 mb
Format: mp3
Bitrate: 192
are an unstoppable force in most of the songs on this record of recidivism, is power, pure energy and sometimes , unbridled rage. It is a force like a tornado is approaching you without remedy or referral center the issue. And the question is punk rock in its purest form and mature. Ira is a time of overwhelming strength exercise that uses a weapon that teaches rock and sharp teeth of a direct and sincere lyrics. This extensive record
(sixteen total cuts), in which most of the issues are linked, delve into the depths of the system, transcending the individual, aerating the selfishness of a world that begins to be seriously injured, indicating their shame. Topics such as "Children in a magazine" that will put you goosebumps, or 'Good times miserable "give us hope where dark and dreary, or" We can not wait, "where they launch warnings: no no turning back in our hands is the solution.
There is still room for personal experience at airports after September 11 that, "Miami connection" to current issues such as euthanasia "Life" to make policy statements on the theme "Across the Glass" to provide a good wine "Love Song" or the English version of Immaculate Fools. They are also very present in the immediate hits album, including "The Hurricane are you" or "Blank." Reincidentes
locked themselves (literally) in rehearsal for two months to leave polished all these songs that make this new album Ira times, then settled (Literally) in the study of Espadero Alfonso in Seville, from April to December of this past 2010 to work the right sound and arrangements, under the supervision of their usual producer, Juan Pizarro. Seville
The punk rock have made a profession, are making records for 22 years (fifteen albums released) and continuously performing concerts by the English and South America, a lifetime dedicated to the group, composing songs, touring endlessly, showing through their letters the misery in this world that sometimes, not that it is hostile, is that it steals the soul. Recidivists remain the critical look at a system that every day shows more cracks, more imbalances, more contrast, Reincidentes table remain a punk rock to cling to in moments of doubt or discouragement, an island where you get your strength to return, as is law, to face the daily reality.
DOWNLOAD: http:/
/ (2011) _-_Rock_.6154241.TPB.torrent
Sin suits. Nah, you is on:
01 Good Times 02 The Children in One Charger
03 04 05 We Can not Wait
Connection Miami 06 Hours A Day Missing You
Cretinosenaccion @ Spain 07 08
09 Life (A Eluana Englaro)
11 10 Care Across The Crystal
12 So It Goes Blank
13 14 Love Song (The Wine) 15
Hearts Mother Of Fortune
16 File size: 65 mb
Format: mp3
Bitrate: 192
are an unstoppable force in most of the songs on this record of recidivism, is power, pure energy and sometimes , unbridled rage. It is a force like a tornado is approaching you without remedy or referral center the issue. And the question is punk rock in its purest form and mature. Ira is a time of overwhelming strength exercise that uses a weapon that teaches rock and sharp teeth of a direct and sincere lyrics. This extensive record
(sixteen total cuts), in which most of the issues are linked, delve into the depths of the system, transcending the individual, aerating the selfishness of a world that begins to be seriously injured, indicating their shame. Topics such as "Children in a magazine" that will put you goosebumps, or 'Good times miserable "give us hope where dark and dreary, or" We can not wait, "where they launch warnings: no no turning back in our hands is the solution.
There is still room for personal experience at airports after September 11 that, "Miami connection" to current issues such as euthanasia "Life" to make policy statements on the theme "Across the Glass" to provide a good wine "Love Song" or the English version of Immaculate Fools. They are also very present in the immediate hits album, including "The Hurricane are you" or "Blank." Reincidentes
locked themselves (literally) in rehearsal for two months to leave polished all these songs that make this new album Ira times, then settled (Literally) in the study of Espadero Alfonso in Seville, from April to December of this past 2010 to work the right sound and arrangements, under the supervision of their usual producer, Juan Pizarro. Seville
The punk rock have made a profession, are making records for 22 years (fifteen albums released) and continuously performing concerts by the English and South America, a lifetime dedicated to the group, composing songs, touring endlessly, showing through their letters the misery in this world that sometimes, not that it is hostile, is that it steals the soul. Recidivists remain the critical look at a system that every day shows more cracks, more imbalances, more contrast, Reincidentes table remain a punk rock to cling to in moments of doubt or discouragement, an island where you get your strength to return, as is law, to face the daily reality.
DOWNLOAD: http:/
/ (2011) _-_Rock_.6154241.TPB.torrent
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Amana Asx14 Air Conditioner
the edge looking for part-time superhero
Hi buddies,
I'm back. It's been a week of work in the country's northern neighbor. As I feared I could not run until Saturday. While it is true that on Tuesday he was not oven after tragamillas muffin. So I think that "only" I lost two days.
The plan has run into something like the charge of the Light Brigade. Battle stations. Run when you can maintain a number of objectives: 1) miles long runs especially 2) Try some quality between week 3) monitor the messages it gives me the body that the rise will be pronounced.
So today I made a long run of a slow pace (although not yet reflected pulse).
26.2 kilometers with a good feeling. At least until I stopped. Then I felt that the quadriceps and biceps had run out of fuel. I even allowed a kilometer threshold rate of twenty-three in the legs. Quite well, 4'44''without much effort. Probably the threshold rate goes down to where she was a month ago (4 '26''). I hope I can help with the series.
Hi buddies,
I'm back. It's been a week of work in the country's northern neighbor. As I feared I could not run until Saturday. While it is true that on Tuesday he was not oven after tragamillas muffin. So I think that "only" I lost two days.
The plan has run into something like the charge of the Light Brigade. Battle stations. Run when you can maintain a number of objectives: 1) miles long runs especially 2) Try some quality between week 3) monitor the messages it gives me the body that the rise will be pronounced.
So today I made a long run of a slow pace (although not yet reflected pulse).
26.2 kilometers with a good feeling. At least until I stopped. Then I felt that the quadriceps and biceps had run out of fuel. I even allowed a kilometer threshold rate of twenty-three in the legs. Quite well, 4'44''without much effort. Probably the threshold rate goes down to where she was a month ago (4 '26''). I hope I can help with the series.
Saturday, March 12, 2011
V. Bernardelli Gardone 32
Internet: yes no future (text)
The issue of cultural content on the Internet, I think I have found a way to solve ... surely welcome to all parties ... short term. Hopefully
once found a compromise, repressive measures are removed as the "law" Sinde, and allows the network to continue to grow and self-configuring freely.
The solution I see very clearly, is in line with services like Spotify, or Groovesharck. These are services that offer a wide range of music ... free (with advertising) and with the option of becoming a paid account, if you want to use more intensively.
"Advantages? Finally companies with large financial and human resources help to set up an Internet to remain a Universal Library. So far, to the shame of our politicians, businessmen and other parasites, they had to do this job amateur, in many cases non-profit. While large countries with large budgets have not been able to organize themselves to publish or just a free Universal Encyclopedia on the network, or an efficient translator. Instead, they have tried to tear down the efforts of small entrepreneurs to create content accessible to everyone on the Internet. They should drop their heads in shame these politicians, businessmen criminals every time they have to talk about the Internet.
Avoidance "laws" repressive: seems clear that if services of large companies, such as those mentioned above, dedicated to music online, are starting to bloom, there will be different companies to publish a catalog almost universal books, films, documentaries, software , etc. Can you imagine all, absolutely all materials published on the history list, sorted and ready for download? These services funded by advertising, or low cost.
This system will surely result in a fall much the content uploaded by individuals to the Internet, closed many actual pages of downloads naturally, without using legal violence, tool that politicians accustomed to use against the people.
I think it is necessary to remove these repressive measures, because leaving the culture completely in the hands of private companies can be dangerous ... today could offer the content free, or affordable, but tomorrow can remove your bid, or make it very expensive. To avoid this corporate tyranny, it is necessary to have a latent background downloads Web pages as existing (Taringa, rebeldemule ...), with or without profit, may not be as busy as before, but they are always setting a minimum competence to avoid the tyranny of corporations. Yes
no future? Lucio
Juan Gomez-Jurado: "Piracy does not exist"
'm creative. I write novels, and this, along with journalism "is my only way of life. My fingers pressed half a million times the keys on this Mac, and as a result there is a text file that, once edited and corrected, it becomes a book that is translated into dozens of languages. My family and my home mortgage depends on my copyright. According to many media, and as many Taliban completely free, so I instantly align in the ranks of those who argue that horror legislation, known as false and useless Sinde Act, which will be adopted against the will of hundreds of thousands of citizens.
That's a lie, and fat.
is just one of those that have appeared in the media for years, especially in recent months. They say the English are pirated, which is in our character, that famous mischievous and misguided as topical as paint us all with the costume and the pan under the arm.
First, it is true that Spain is the country's most pirated in the world. In fact, in software, for example, ranked 79, according to a survey by the BSA, and For the rest, the study of the International Intellectual Property Alliance attribute a level of "piracy" of 20%. How do you combine that with you have to pay the fee at 100% of the cases? Nor is real
that piracy is killing the cinema, whose collection has grown apace in the last ten years, as well as other content. It is also true that I have a right to live in my work. What I have is right to try.
Yes, it is true that new technologies make it disappear the business model based on closed hardware, which is normally also disappeared carts manufacturers when Karl Benz invented the automobile. No, not true that the download sites are to blame. Is it not clear that there is inconsistency on the part of industry between accusing the download pages of "filthy rich" and not try to do the same?
not defend the download sites, because even if legal is not right that there are those who take advantage of others' labor. But are they the cause of all evils, much less who the thieves and pimps used as some call them "exiles in Miami for tax reasons. Indeed, for them the reminder that to require the government would have to start paying taxes here as do others. The
greater problem in the English market is the lack of flexibility, desire to grow and adapt. In a word, and as Amador Fdez-Savater felt in his dinner with the minister, an overabundance of fear. Fear of losing the status quo, the food chain to a paradigm shift. And yet we have examples around us that if we take a step forward just the opposite happen.
Look at America, where they have created three business models of clean and overwhelming success. Kindle, iTunes and Netflix. The first is a virtual bookstore that sells 775,000 titles with prices around € 7 for the new, much cheaper and even free books Fund catalog. The books are downloaded in 30 "with a single click on the device, including 3G for free. The second-only-is operating in Spain for ten years, the undisputed reference in music, having sold over 10 billion songs. And the third is a virtual video store with a flat rate of 6 euros per month. For sample of his success, suffice it to say that the remote controls of televisions sold in the U.S. since 2011 have a button to access Netflix standard.
What these services have in common? The most important of all is its simplicity. Once registered on the service, do not do anything else. Payment must be made by credit card credit, with total comfort. The downloads are instantaneous, and the quality is guaranteed. The movies are streaming and are always available. The books are edited by first-class houses. The music has no copy protection or DRM.
At this price there is an associated factor, very important. Aware that in the digital age is much tougher competition, the Americans have sought to perfect the "sweet spot", that place where intersect the consumer desire to have something fast as before without bothering to look online and get it with poor quality, and resistance to drop the dough. In other words, a fair price. In other words, the opposite of what platforms like Libranda, whose sole aim, as Juan Jose Millas, it seems not to sell books, they are doing.
Again, fear. DRM and high prices. My dealers do not get angry. That my bottom does not suffer. People to do what I say because I close my eyes and I wish you strong. And if consumers have other ideas ... that the government protect my inalienable rights, against all odds.
Instead of creating functional business models, we are dedicated to shield the status quo with absurd laws, and insulting to our best customers. "Pirates, scoundrels and thieves. Who do you think 200 euros invested in a reader ebooks, someone who does not read? In contrast, someone who spends as much per year on books that he knows he will eventually offset the investment. And if not able to find interesting content for payment, get in other ways, so not to conquer this person will have lost a stroke to a key customer. The same goes for moviegoers and music, taking years to do so.
The biggest challenge is to overcome the cultural industry in our country is to overcome fear and understand that the pirates do not exist. Only people who want to consume culture, and today unfortunately are not reasonable alternatives. And you can only win free simplicity. Certainly not gag laws, retrograde, which serve only the interests of a few.
Finally, a reflection as creator. No one comes to creating anything worthwhile without being soaked dreamed of before him. Alejandro Sanz, in that neighborhood Moratalaz worker that we were born to Penelope Cruz, he and I had to copy many cassettes in his teens, as I sat in a corner in FNAC Callao on Saturday morning and his face read dozens of novels that have helped me become the writer I am. We live the advent of a paradigm shift that is resulting in brighter era of humanity, and right now there are hundreds of teenagers on our streets that carry within them the potential to be the singers, writers and directors of tomorrow. They also are downloading. Thou shalt not lack never do, or dream. And to those who dream first, I say let the fear and embrace the future once and for all.
5 proposals for digital growth
Creators, open your eyes. Learn our rights and options to monetize our efforts, which are not always traditional. Internet is first and foremost, our main portal of exposure, and the world's largest market. And those who sail by him are not thieves, but people like us, as worthy as us but their work shines less than ours.
industry executives, study models that work. Infravaloréis not your public. Do not give things for granted. The Tambourine Spain no longer exists. Your new hearing is the digital city, and this is not the bull on the TV, including flat design that is no longer fit. Seek economies of scale, better to sell one hundred thousand copies of a euro to ten thousand copies. And above all things compliquéis not trying not to copy. They will do the same, but it is hard it will not be buying.
, keep in mind that copying is not stealing, but also that there is someone behind the products that make us happy. There's a writer behind the books, and an entire cast of a film behind. If possible and there is a simple alternative to a reasonable price, buy it. For as long as your economy, choose the original. And please, do not say that a movie or a book is expensive and then lowering the bar and take away three mojitos for $ 5 each.
Political cread programs to help the authors to monetize their content. Encouraging the creation of innovative business models. Fight against the VAT of 18% in the dumps, against laws like single price. Reforming the Law of Intellectual Property from scratch. Abolish the digital canon.
for everyone, not insults. Try to get in the place of another, as in the current frame of mind all have a point. And above all, listen, debate and reflection. Let us not slip through more lies and fat.
Juan Gómez-Jurado (Madrid, 1977) is a journalist and writer. Passed through the newsrooms of Canal +, ABC, Cadena SER and Cope. The international success of his novels (God's Spy, Contract with God and The Emblem of the Betrayer), translated into over forty languages, have led him to focus on his career as a storyteller. Hollywood preparing and adapting his second novel.
The issue of cultural content on the Internet, I think I have found a way to solve ... surely welcome to all parties ... short term. Hopefully
once found a compromise, repressive measures are removed as the "law" Sinde, and allows the network to continue to grow and self-configuring freely.
The solution I see very clearly, is in line with services like Spotify, or Groovesharck. These are services that offer a wide range of music ... free (with advertising) and with the option of becoming a paid account, if you want to use more intensively.
"Advantages? Finally companies with large financial and human resources help to set up an Internet to remain a Universal Library. So far, to the shame of our politicians, businessmen and other parasites, they had to do this job amateur, in many cases non-profit. While large countries with large budgets have not been able to organize themselves to publish or just a free Universal Encyclopedia on the network, or an efficient translator. Instead, they have tried to tear down the efforts of small entrepreneurs to create content accessible to everyone on the Internet. They should drop their heads in shame these politicians, businessmen criminals every time they have to talk about the Internet.
Avoidance "laws" repressive: seems clear that if services of large companies, such as those mentioned above, dedicated to music online, are starting to bloom, there will be different companies to publish a catalog almost universal books, films, documentaries, software , etc. Can you imagine all, absolutely all materials published on the history list, sorted and ready for download? These services funded by advertising, or low cost.
This system will surely result in a fall much the content uploaded by individuals to the Internet, closed many actual pages of downloads naturally, without using legal violence, tool that politicians accustomed to use against the people.
I think it is necessary to remove these repressive measures, because leaving the culture completely in the hands of private companies can be dangerous ... today could offer the content free, or affordable, but tomorrow can remove your bid, or make it very expensive. To avoid this corporate tyranny, it is necessary to have a latent background downloads Web pages as existing (Taringa, rebeldemule ...), with or without profit, may not be as busy as before, but they are always setting a minimum competence to avoid the tyranny of corporations. Yes
no future? Lucio
♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
A world burns
himself to make ointments for his burns
A tree that burns, it leaves
paper to be written: "The burned Tree"
Men work to live
factory weapons that kill
Future Cities, Tombs of the Living
future living, dead cities
no future, there is a future, there is a future ... Political
leading the masses to give their eyes to see what happens
Even with your blindness to see
ready to have your money ready, but dead! Yes
no future, there is a future, there is a future ...
♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
A world burns
himself to make ointments for his burns
A tree that burns, it leaves
paper to be written: "The burned Tree"
Men work to live
factory weapons that kill
Future Cities, Tombs of the Living
future living, dead cities
no future, there is a future, there is a future ... Political
leading the masses to give their eyes to see what happens
Even with your blindness to see
ready to have your money ready, but dead! Yes
no future, there is a future, there is a future ...
♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
Juan Gomez-Jurado: "Piracy does not exist"
'm creative. I write novels, and this, along with journalism "is my only way of life. My fingers pressed half a million times the keys on this Mac, and as a result there is a text file that, once edited and corrected, it becomes a book that is translated into dozens of languages. My family and my home mortgage depends on my copyright. According to many media, and as many Taliban completely free, so I instantly align in the ranks of those who argue that horror legislation, known as false and useless Sinde Act, which will be adopted against the will of hundreds of thousands of citizens.
That's a lie, and fat.
is just one of those that have appeared in the media for years, especially in recent months. They say the English are pirated, which is in our character, that famous mischievous and misguided as topical as paint us all with the costume and the pan under the arm.
First, it is true that Spain is the country's most pirated in the world. In fact, in software, for example, ranked 79, according to a survey by the BSA, and For the rest, the study of the International Intellectual Property Alliance attribute a level of "piracy" of 20%. How do you combine that with you have to pay the fee at 100% of the cases? Nor is real
that piracy is killing the cinema, whose collection has grown apace in the last ten years, as well as other content. It is also true that I have a right to live in my work. What I have is right to try.
Yes, it is true that new technologies make it disappear the business model based on closed hardware, which is normally also disappeared carts manufacturers when Karl Benz invented the automobile. No, not true that the download sites are to blame. Is it not clear that there is inconsistency on the part of industry between accusing the download pages of "filthy rich" and not try to do the same?
not defend the download sites, because even if legal is not right that there are those who take advantage of others' labor. But are they the cause of all evils, much less who the thieves and pimps used as some call them "exiles in Miami for tax reasons. Indeed, for them the reminder that to require the government would have to start paying taxes here as do others. The
greater problem in the English market is the lack of flexibility, desire to grow and adapt. In a word, and as Amador Fdez-Savater felt in his dinner with the minister, an overabundance of fear. Fear of losing the status quo, the food chain to a paradigm shift. And yet we have examples around us that if we take a step forward just the opposite happen.
Look at America, where they have created three business models of clean and overwhelming success. Kindle, iTunes and Netflix. The first is a virtual bookstore that sells 775,000 titles with prices around € 7 for the new, much cheaper and even free books Fund catalog. The books are downloaded in 30 "with a single click on the device, including 3G for free. The second-only-is operating in Spain for ten years, the undisputed reference in music, having sold over 10 billion songs. And the third is a virtual video store with a flat rate of 6 euros per month. For sample of his success, suffice it to say that the remote controls of televisions sold in the U.S. since 2011 have a button to access Netflix standard.
What these services have in common? The most important of all is its simplicity. Once registered on the service, do not do anything else. Payment must be made by credit card credit, with total comfort. The downloads are instantaneous, and the quality is guaranteed. The movies are streaming and are always available. The books are edited by first-class houses. The music has no copy protection or DRM.
At this price there is an associated factor, very important. Aware that in the digital age is much tougher competition, the Americans have sought to perfect the "sweet spot", that place where intersect the consumer desire to have something fast as before without bothering to look online and get it with poor quality, and resistance to drop the dough. In other words, a fair price. In other words, the opposite of what platforms like Libranda, whose sole aim, as Juan Jose Millas, it seems not to sell books, they are doing.
Again, fear. DRM and high prices. My dealers do not get angry. That my bottom does not suffer. People to do what I say because I close my eyes and I wish you strong. And if consumers have other ideas ... that the government protect my inalienable rights, against all odds.
Instead of creating functional business models, we are dedicated to shield the status quo with absurd laws, and insulting to our best customers. "Pirates, scoundrels and thieves. Who do you think 200 euros invested in a reader ebooks, someone who does not read? In contrast, someone who spends as much per year on books that he knows he will eventually offset the investment. And if not able to find interesting content for payment, get in other ways, so not to conquer this person will have lost a stroke to a key customer. The same goes for moviegoers and music, taking years to do so.
The biggest challenge is to overcome the cultural industry in our country is to overcome fear and understand that the pirates do not exist. Only people who want to consume culture, and today unfortunately are not reasonable alternatives. And you can only win free simplicity. Certainly not gag laws, retrograde, which serve only the interests of a few.
Finally, a reflection as creator. No one comes to creating anything worthwhile without being soaked dreamed of before him. Alejandro Sanz, in that neighborhood Moratalaz worker that we were born to Penelope Cruz, he and I had to copy many cassettes in his teens, as I sat in a corner in FNAC Callao on Saturday morning and his face read dozens of novels that have helped me become the writer I am. We live the advent of a paradigm shift that is resulting in brighter era of humanity, and right now there are hundreds of teenagers on our streets that carry within them the potential to be the singers, writers and directors of tomorrow. They also are downloading. Thou shalt not lack never do, or dream. And to those who dream first, I say let the fear and embrace the future once and for all.
5 proposals for digital growth
Creators, open your eyes. Learn our rights and options to monetize our efforts, which are not always traditional. Internet is first and foremost, our main portal of exposure, and the world's largest market. And those who sail by him are not thieves, but people like us, as worthy as us but their work shines less than ours.
industry executives, study models that work. Infravaloréis not your public. Do not give things for granted. The Tambourine Spain no longer exists. Your new hearing is the digital city, and this is not the bull on the TV, including flat design that is no longer fit. Seek economies of scale, better to sell one hundred thousand copies of a euro to ten thousand copies. And above all things compliquéis not trying not to copy. They will do the same, but it is hard it will not be buying.
, keep in mind that copying is not stealing, but also that there is someone behind the products that make us happy. There's a writer behind the books, and an entire cast of a film behind. If possible and there is a simple alternative to a reasonable price, buy it. For as long as your economy, choose the original. And please, do not say that a movie or a book is expensive and then lowering the bar and take away three mojitos for $ 5 each.
Political cread programs to help the authors to monetize their content. Encouraging the creation of innovative business models. Fight against the VAT of 18% in the dumps, against laws like single price. Reforming the Law of Intellectual Property from scratch. Abolish the digital canon.
for everyone, not insults. Try to get in the place of another, as in the current frame of mind all have a point. And above all, listen, debate and reflection. Let us not slip through more lies and fat.
Juan Gómez-Jurado (Madrid, 1977) is a journalist and writer. Passed through the newsrooms of Canal +, ABC, Cadena SER and Cope. The international success of his novels (God's Spy, Contract with God and The Emblem of the Betrayer), translated into over forty languages, have led him to focus on his career as a storyteller. Hollywood preparing and adapting his second novel.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Sylvania Errore4 54037380
miles Tragamillas 2011. My Get up and walk chronic
I have to admit I really like this race.
has a hard profile does not allow great joy but is compensated by the enthusiasm and skill of an organization that attempts, as far as possible, spoil the popular corridor.
The race has everything: mud, ice, animation, reel, good stock, arriving at an athletics track, hills. I would miss it hurt.
saying I begin my personal review this time my partner is that Rafa has taken ill. It confirms the theory that we are twins of the race. Moreover, I believe that as their goal in life (athletics) is me (and hear me) suffer and preferred not to come today I knew I would travel.
greet many friends today: A Alfonso, Rafa (the gutter), the Bala, the Caprus with Miguel at the head and one that my memory left in the inkwell. We take a coffee and I get in line with Jan that aims to bring a 5'30 shooting today.'' Leaving
talking for nine miles, the complaining going a little high pulse so to speak maybe. I measured the sensations. Creaking legs but hold, keystrokes high but within normal and especially recover the sensation of enjoying a career. Not that we were happy but at 5'20''yes we were out the miles. At
Jan slope begins to suffer a little bit more. Although I enjoy the pace high for a rise in tourist. It is already reaching the seventeen states that hurts me a little ankle and we will walk a little. Let me go.
Decide how you will prove true then the machinery. I try to get to a threshold rate that I get between 4'40''and 4'55 ". So to get to the finish line in just 1h 54.
Jack What does all this?. As a runner for three weeks, is at 93.6% of the form. And so my threshold from 4'30''to 4'50''. You've nailed the guy.
I have little time for the marathon. Try to focus on training and long runs. And above all expect my body to have a good memory and health work and respect me. The MMP in half marathon, which was extremely easy, I have to let go. But the mood is again high and I think even I can get a good Mapoma.
I have to admit I really like this race.
has a hard profile does not allow great joy but is compensated by the enthusiasm and skill of an organization that attempts, as far as possible, spoil the popular corridor.
The race has everything: mud, ice, animation, reel, good stock, arriving at an athletics track, hills. I would miss it hurt.
saying I begin my personal review this time my partner is that Rafa has taken ill. It confirms the theory that we are twins of the race. Moreover, I believe that as their goal in life (athletics) is me (and hear me) suffer and preferred not to come today I knew I would travel.
greet many friends today: A Alfonso, Rafa (the gutter), the Bala, the Caprus with Miguel at the head and one that my memory left in the inkwell. We take a coffee and I get in line with Jan that aims to bring a 5'30 shooting today.'' Leaving
talking for nine miles, the complaining going a little high pulse so to speak maybe. I measured the sensations. Creaking legs but hold, keystrokes high but within normal and especially recover the sensation of enjoying a career. Not that we were happy but at 5'20''yes we were out the miles. At
Jan slope begins to suffer a little bit more. Although I enjoy the pace high for a rise in tourist. It is already reaching the seventeen states that hurts me a little ankle and we will walk a little. Let me go.
Decide how you will prove true then the machinery. I try to get to a threshold rate that I get between 4'40''and 4'55 ". So to get to the finish line in just 1h 54.
Jack What does all this?. As a runner for three weeks, is at 93.6% of the form. And so my threshold from 4'30''to 4'50''. You've nailed the guy.
I have little time for the marathon. Try to focus on training and long runs. And above all expect my body to have a good memory and health work and respect me. The MMP in half marathon, which was extremely easy, I have to let go. But the mood is again high and I think even I can get a good Mapoma.
Friday, March 4, 2011
Streaming The Proposal Dvdrip
Friends and colleagues: I'm much better.
antibiotics killed the biotic, the cough was back and encouragement.
a month ago was a runner in top form I expected to improve at all distances. Now I am a piltrafilla not know if it comes or not to marathon.
Here are some comments:
- The uncle of 120 kilos which I could not stay in the Paris airport for ten days. The fat and the child also overtook me: Set date and time, brave.
- A month ago resets the digestive system, respiratory three weeks ago. As the circulatory not want to restart now I've done a stress test. Something scheduled for that time and tell you in detail. Just say that I have two organs that work. One huge, extraordinary. The other told me today that it is well.
- I have a cod type contracture. After coughing so I can sleep standing up because of the rigidity. I had abdominal pulls all that is the trunk. In fact the name has for me.
- played Sunday tragamillas Villalba. I am seriously thinking to present if it does not rain. Would be back in style. Three weeks without running and ale ... Jan
if I do not be too hard on me I've been unwell.
- I have to rethink the superhero life. Work twelve hours a day, try running five days a week, reading a book at the same time, keep abreast of blogs, being a parent ...
bad thing is that next week I'm in Paris again.
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