Testimonials from Libya (Text)
Solo Nador
Ghadafi rebellion These people just want to sell our goods and do not want anything good for us. Today
Ishmell have shot near Tunis and houses have skyrocketed to killing people.
You know how well we lived and we do not have gasoline or food. most things that came from Egypt and now airplanes work and we have no gas supplies do not reach us, it's over for babies milk, cheese, and all sto
Sarcosi by foreigners is an animal!
The new government is willing to cede 50% of oil to France if they removed from the middle to Ghadafi. We are here with Ghadafi
If we knew that this war is to encourage and we do not want this government we would move. But is the opposite.
We want our government and this war is not ours.
We want this government and especially Ghadafi and his family. We proclaim that our families are willing to die for us and we by Ghadafi.
In these 42 years we have been careful Gaddafi has given us schools, hospitals, farms, money .. but these people is burning and killing. 7000 houses have been destroyed Ghadafi burning that had been done to give the people. Cyrenaica
In some rebels are using mosques as bars.
Eva said ...
I appreciate the effort you make to give voice to all parties to the conflict. My personal opinion is that these people, well all I have no doubt, suffer a so-called "Stockholm Syndrome." Gaddafi has earned them with state aid and other goodies. I'm sure he lived well, but if God wants no one (or partnership or the government) gets out of hand, live better.
Leonor said ...
I assure you that these people are not ignorant and many are university students who speak English and have traveled to other countries.
precisely this is a singularity of Libya have been closed for 30 years while having universities in all cities. They are very proud people cuklta with a tribal organization
Interview with Israel Shamir, an independent political observer and commentator well known
The French armed forces have destroyed some tanks and armored vehicles in Libya, information confirmed by the representative of the French defense minister. Meanwhile, Gaddafi expressed his dissatisfaction with the intervention of French forces, and announced that he and his followers would rather die than submit.
The U.S. defense officials have told Reuters that the U.S. Navy has three submarines in the Mediterranean, preparing for operations in Libya, and this was confirmed by the French defense minister. Al-Jazeera reported earlier that four Libyan tanks had been destroyed in the south of Benghazi. What information do you have about the current situation in Libya at the moment?
Yes, they have destroyed four tanks of the Libyan government. And now they have shot down a jet belonging to the rebels, did not purposely, of course, but it was. Now in Tripoli, are celebrating the surrender of Benghazi to government troops. Now, are going through moments of total confusion. On the one hand, say government forces Benghazi that surrendered, and on the other, British and French forces trying to keep it. In any case, Western reporters reporting from Tobruk, which is far east of Benghazi. And it seems that Tripoli is firm in power Gaddafi, and there are plenty of statements of support in their favor. Very cynical I've seen reports saying that the worst case, even if French and English able to dismember Libya, and end the piece that represents Benghazi, it will be very valuable in this shot, because the oil is not there. But this argument only applies if they are looking for oil. In fact, they may want about all settled into a good place to establish a large military base Tobruk and Benghazi, in order to monitor Egypt. This would also charge a lot of sense, because nobody knows where Egypt is focused. If Egypt is derailed from its course pro-Israel today, which greatly disturb Israel, and in this case, the Yankee America, as Israel's elder sister, would follow the current, for which a good base out of Egypt will be very convenient In any case, the first thing I would say is that I regret terribly that this intervention has begun. It was extremely unnecessary. And it would be much, much better if left to the Libyans to find out their problems together.
As you know, Gaddafi Cameron wrote letters to Sarkozy as saying they have no right to interfere, and some think that this could lead to Gadaffi to seek stay in Benghazi and to ensure that the war pond in the rest of the country. What is the likelihood, in your opinion, that this is not resolved soon, and that the situation remains stagnant for weeks, days or even months?
Yes, this is the impression so far. It is still difficult to know what will happen, but Gadaffi has a large carrying capacity. Is a unique character. Of course, no longer young, but say that survived many bombs. The Yankees bombed it, killing her daughter, as you may remember a few years ago. So sobrevvió many attempts to remove the medium and conquer Libya. It is impossible to return to survive is very clever, is a very intelligent leader, talented, and very brave. And it also seems that has much support, not enough like him, of course, and obviously made mistakes by failing to democratize his country, not let the people more opportunities to express their views and wishes. Obviously, there is opposition. But look, this does not mean that all the opposition is prepared to support the submission to the European colonial forces.
And what is true of those who support Gaddafi? How many, what percentage they represent, are they worried by the intervention? This intervention has already thrown a lot of people on the side of Gaddafi, they say, "Look, we would have liked to solve our problems ourselves, without the invasion."
I think this last remark is absolutely right. This is what happens, exactly. People hated Gaddaffi today is saying now: "Well, if it comes to choosing between Gaddafi and the reoccupation by the European colonizers, the better Gaddafi." So such a dilemma is very familiar to us, in many countries against foreign invasion, people say: "Forget about our disagreements, and present a united front and unique. So it is highly possible - and I'm seeing that this view is shared by many observers, in fact, the attack would strengthen rather than overthrow Gaddafi.
Yes, that's what everyone senses now. But how long do you think Gaddafi can stay in power under attack USianas forces, French, English? To my knowledge, no U.S. submarines stationed to take part in the action if necessary.
Look, so many things depend on many others. It is still difficult to predict. Today was also the first time that developed anti-war demonstrations in Los Angeles and New York, and tomorrow, are preparing more demonstrations in San Francisco. It is not impossible that the American public opposes the war because they feel that enough has cost Afghanistan and Iraq as well, and are fed up. This is not impossible at all. This does not mean that there are elements of farce in the stir of joy from the French and British politicians, because we finally have something to teach those who voted, finally they are showing what they chose, and this type of feelings is so outdated, this bravado that and it is unusual. Also, where exactly is the courage, to attack a small and distant foreign country? It is not easy to say what going to happen now.
I see. "Well, in your opinion, what the long-term ramifications of this intervention?
One thing is clear, and it's very ugly. We must look first to the bad news. The bad news is that sovereignty has become a buzzword, and this is extremely important. The Russia that is being incorporated now tried to speak out saying that we must recognize the sovereignty, and that it should respect the sovereignty of each country, and has returned to again undermine that concept. Some people compare it to what happened in Kosovo, and others with what happened in Afghanistan or Iraq, in any case, we see again that the NATO forces attempting to impose a regime change, and is a great disappointment that China and Russia thought it was enough to abstain and stay out, instead of defending the great principle of sovereignty. We see that while in Bahrain, which is, as we know, also a fleet base Rnd USA, there are demonstrations, protesters are shot dead, the country has just seen troops invaded by Saudis, and nobody has been thinking when they should regret and lack of action ...
I see. Thanks for agreeing to discuss the situation late at night, I value your input.
English translation: Maria Poumier
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