Sunday, March 13, 2011

Amana Asx14 Air Conditioner

the edge looking for part-time superhero

Hi buddies,

I'm back. It's been a week of work in the country's northern neighbor. As I feared I could not run until Saturday. While it is true that on Tuesday he was not oven after tragamillas muffin. So I think that "only" I lost two days.

The plan has run into something like the charge of the Light Brigade. Battle stations. Run when you can maintain a number of objectives: 1) miles long runs especially 2) Try some quality between week 3) monitor the messages it gives me the body that the rise will be pronounced.

So today I made a long run of a slow pace (although not yet reflected pulse).
26.2 kilometers with a good feeling. At least until I stopped. Then I felt that the quadriceps and biceps had run out of fuel. I even allowed a kilometer threshold rate of twenty-three in the legs. Quite well, 4'44''without much effort. Probably the threshold rate goes down to where she was a month ago (4 '26''). I hope I can help with the series.


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